The Haunted House (part 2)

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After a long night, William stepped into his small apartment. Working in a haunt always came with some weird stories, but finding a four inch tall asian lady had to take the cake! He had no idea what to do with her but he knew he couldn't just leave her there, especially with Ramsey and Tony lurking around. William couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what they might do if they ever get their hands on her. 

A sudden jolt in his pocket made him remember just how terrified she had been. So he quickly opened up his pocket and fished for her. She made it difficult to grab as she trashed about inside, but William was able to pinch the back of her blue hoodie and pluck her out. 

The girl must have been in her early twenties, with black hair tied in a ponytail and despite being in baggy clothes, William could tell she was slightly chubby. She stared up at him with wide brown eyes frozen in fear. 

"Whoa…" William breathed out. This was a real tiny person in his hands. 
She broke out of her stiffness and began thrashing once again and then let out a loud shriek that made William cringe. He's heard some loud screams before, but her screams could have probably made his ears bleed. 

William quickly moved over to the glass table and placed her on the surface. "No, no it's okay!" 

The girl scrambled back til she was all the way to the edge. "OH GOD, I'M SO DEAD!" 

Dead? What the hell was she talking about? Oh shit, William hasn't taken off his gore makeup! No wonder she was terrified. 

"Wait, right here!" He told her as he scrambled to the kitchenette. William ran the sink and splashed water all over his face, vigorously scrubbing the makeup off his face. The fake blood in his beard was especially a bitch to get out. Once most of the gore was gone, William went back to his little guest and flashed her the most non-threatening smile he could pull off naturally. 

"Please don't be scared, I'm not dangerous, I'm just big." 

"No, I'm small!" She exclaimed. "I was shrunken by freaking demons!" 

"Yeah… that was Tony and Ramsey." 

"They just shrunk me, and chased me and assumed I was fucking Chinese!" The girl looked like she was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. 

"How did they even shrink you?" 

"They made me stand in a pentagram and just started to chant something from some book!"

"How did the chant go?" .

"I… I don't know, it was all just… gibberish!" She looked up at him. "Am I going to be stuck like this?" 

"I'm sorry, but I don't know." 

The girl buried her face in her hands and let out a sob. "What am I going to do?!"

William's heart ached for the young woman. He couldn't imagine how scary it would be to find the world he once knew to be so big so suddenly. Out of instinct, he reached for the girl and stroked her back with his thumb. While she did jump at his touch, she didn't exactly reject it. 

"I don't know how to fix this, but I promise you, I'll find a way to help you out." 

The girl wiped her tears away and gave a warm smile. "I appreciate that." 

"What's your name?" 


"That's a prettier name than William." He joked. 

Kimi couldn't help but smile again, which made William's heart skip a beat.

"So if you don't have anywhere to go, you're more than welcome to stay here." 

Kimi glanced away. "If it's not too much trouble..." 

William chuckled. "I think you'll be one of the better roommates I've had." 

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