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"Are you okay?"

The booming voice above Stella caused the sharp pain in her head to throb with intensity. She looked up to see Clair's gaze had fallen onto her, concern had filled her blue eyes. The past few days, Stella had been getting migraines; normally, she was able to power through the day without anyone else noticing, but today was just too much to deal with. Whether it was Jason clanging pots around as he cooked dinner, or James and Charlie getting too excited about how their day in school went, or the chair scraping at the floor as everyone came for dinner. There was nothing Stella could do to hide herself from cringing at each sound that decided to instigate her migraines.

"I'm... fine." She squeaked, but Clair pursed her lips and raised a brow. It was a look that Stella had seen her do a thousand times on her sons when they tried to fib their way out of trouble, now the motherly expression was being pressed down upon Stella. Her eyes shifted away from Clair but it was too late, the guilt was already setting in and Stella could not stay tight lipped for much longer. "I think I'm getting a migraine."

The realization immediately clicked in as Clair glanced around the kitchen and living room to hear dishes being washed and the boys cheering on as they progressed through their video games. Suddenly, the environment looked a lot more chaotic for a human with a migraine. A gentle hand inched towards Stella and laid flat on the table, Clair gave a soft smile. "Let's get you out of here."

Stella crawled onto Clair's palm and buried her face into her arm to block the light from her eyes. Fingers curled around her small body and engulfed the human in a warm darkness that muffled out the racket of the world. Each step was soft and made Stella sway like she was on a boat in gentle waters. The moment didn't last long as Clair's fingers uncurled around her and deposited her on a plush surface. The tiny woman sat up to view her new surroundings, she was resting on a pillow that sat on Clair and Jason's bed. The noises felt distant as the door to their room was shut, although it still was loud enough to continue the dull pain in Stella's head.

Clair grabbed a bottle of pills that was on the nightstand. The sound of them clattering inside the container caused Stella to grimace. "Sorry." Clair whispered as she fished out a pill out as quietly as she could. Breaking off a small piece that would be suitable for a human, then she grabbed the half empty water bottle from the same nightstand and opened it to use the bottle cap as a make-shift cup for Stella. Once she had the supplies together, she offered it to her tiny friend and let her take her medicine.

"Thanks." The human breathed out.

"Of course." Clair whispered. "You're always welcome to ask for help from us."

"I know," Stella wrapped her arms around herself. "It's just... still not easy to do that."

"I get it," Clair brought a fingertip out and stroked the tiny woman's arm. "Just know that you're a part of our family now, and you're not going to burden us by asking for some Advil."

Stella smiled as she leaned into the touch, and she began to relax enough to sink back down into the pillow. Clair withdrew her hand and began to shuffle away from the bed to give Stella some time to rest.

"W...wait." Stella chirped up just before Clair could reach for the doorknob. "Can I... ask you a favor?"

"Of course."

"Could you... maybe stay and keep your hand over me again? Just until my migraine goes away." Stella stammered as she shifted her eyes away from Clair's gaze. "I think being engulfed in a hand kind of... soothes my headache."

"Absolutely." A smile reached up to Clair as she strolled back to the bed to lay down on the open spot beside Stella. Her hand snaked its way up to the girl who was curled up on the pillow and covered her like a blanket. "I'll stay here as long as you want."

A sigh escaped Stella's lips as the world around her grew dark and the chaotic world outside sounded like it was miles away from the small woman. No longer could it agitate the migraine that was already fading away from Stella, along with her consciousness.

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