A Witch's Problem

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There wasn't much time as the flames could be seen moving closer to Circe's secluded cabin. She cursed herself for not moving sooner, the townsmen found out about her witchcraft and were marching toward her, shouting scriptures that spoke of her sins. If she didn't get out of here soon, her demise would approach soon!  Circe began grabbing potions and shoving them inside the dirty sack that was normally used for grabbing herbs. At this point she didn't know which potions she was taking, she just knew she needed to gather as much as possible before her home was destroyed. But the most important thing she had to take was the book of spells that was past down from generation to generation. Text that read in a language so old, Circe could barely decipher it. This was something that couldn't be destroyed. 

Pulling a black cloak over her long auburn locks, Circe ran out the back door and into the woods, mud started to soil the bottom of her dress. She didn't stop running until she felt the heat radiating from the behind, Circe turned around and saw flames engulf the cozy little cabin that once was her home. Her heart sank, she really loved that place. 

"Check the woods!" One man ordered. "Make sure the witch doesn't escape!" 

Circe let out a desperate sigh. She couldn't outrun them forever, and it was only a matter of time before she was caught. But maybe she could escape with a little help. 

Circe clawed at the ground until she made a shallow hole, just big enough to put her belongings in it. She dug for the small purple vial. In it was a potion that should make her invisible long enough to find her way to Cambridge and hide out there until the villagers' hunt was over. Circe shoveled dirt on top of her stuff, she'll come back for it later. Then without hesitation, Circe poured the liquid in her mouth. The bitter taste would normally make her recoil in disgust but she couldn't let that stop her tonight. 

Circe immediately began to feel a tingling sensation through her body. This would have been normal but then she felt a splitting headache that only grew worse as the flames from the torches grew brighter. Circe dashed out from her hiding spot and ran deeper into the woods. Some men shouted to chase after her. The world spun violently around her, it seemed like everything was growing larger. At that moment, Circe realized that she didn't drink an invisibility potion, she drank a shrinking potion and she was now five inches tall!

She dashed over a pile of leaves that were now about the size of her, but she failed to see that the leaves hid a pit. Circe landing roughly onto the stoney ground, she could feel her ankle shattering the moment it made contact. She writhed in pain but did her best to suppress screams when she heard a thunderous trampling above her. Circe pulled a leaf above her and curled into a ball, trembling as the townsmen hovered above her.
"Which way did she go?!" Shouted a burly voice. 

Murmurs of confusion rang through the rest of the crowd. 

"It's like she disappeared." 

"Split up and continue looking for her! I will not rest until that vile witch is nothing but ash!" 

They marched off deeper into the woods, but that did not soothe Circe's mind. She remained still in fear that a single movement would alert the townsmen of her presence. Even when hours past and there was nothing but the quiet night's breeze; the fear of anyone finding her at such a vulnerable state lingered over her.
The night faded away and light seeped into the hole. At this point, Circe mustered up the courage and examined her prison. The hole was probably two feet deep with smooth stones  lining the walls. There would be no way Circe could even climb the walls even if her ankle wasn't broken, whatever made this hole made sure that there would be no escape from any victim that fell in. 

Loud footsteps drew closer to the trap. Circe scrambled back into the cold walls. Loose dirt from above fell onto her; she tried to shield herself with a leaf, but it provided little help. 

"What's this?" A male voice spoke from above. 

Circe raised her head and locked her gray eyes onto a young blue eyed man with round cheeks, and short brown hair. She could see that he had a rifle in her view. A hunter! Circe should have known a hunter made this trap! A sense of dread fell in the pit of her stomach. What would he do with her? 

"A little lady…" The young hunter breathed out as he leaned in closer to get a better look at her. His hand started to drift closer to her. 

"Stay back!" Circe shouted. 

"Apologies ma'am." He pulled himself away from her. "But I do believe you need help." 

"I.. I do not need your help." 

"I doubt that with how your ankle looks."

"And what if I deny your help?" 

"I really do not want to just start grabbing little ladies, but I don't think I could forgive myself if I just left her to die in the woods." He flashed Circe a grin and placed his hand near her. "Come with me back to Cambridge, I can get you fixed up, maybe even figure out why you're so small?" 

Circe remained silent, trying to read the man that stood above her. She couldn't tell if he was being genuine or not, but one thing she did know was that Cambridge was her only safe haven from the other townsmen. It would only be a matter of time before they circle back and she may not be so lucky this time. She let out a deep breath before reluctantly nodding. 

"I suppose I do not have much of a choice." 

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