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Walking home in the freezing cold was already something Jason hated, but walking into an equally freezing home was just unbearable! Of course the fuse had to blowout during the coldest times of the year, and no one would be able to come and fix it until Thursday! The next few days would be arctic hell. 
Jason opened the door to his apartment, unfortunately his home was not magically warm like he was hoping, so there was no point in taking off his jacket. Maybe if he started dinner early, the heat from the oven could partially warm up the apartment before Clair and the boys came home. 
As he walked through the living room, Jason heard a chattering noise from the couch. It had to be Stella, but what in the world could she be doing to make a weird noise? He strolled over to investigate it. 
Stella laid wrapped up in her human-sized blanket, with her knees tucked to her chest in a desperate attempt to keep warm. But it was not enough to stop her tiny body from shivering. She didn't even react when Jason knelt down in front of her. 
Jason's brown eyes widened in fear. "Oh god, Stella! Please tell me you're okay!" 
"It's so f...fucking c...c...cold." she said through chattering teeth. 
"No kidding, I can see your breath. Here, let me help..." Jason instinctively reached out towards the tiny girl but he stopped and let his hand linger beside her. He still needed to break the habit of grabbing Stella without permission. "Or would you prefer a larger blanket?" 
"Of course you can help me." Stella said as she scooted closer into his hand. She pressed her face into Jason's palm, hoping to heat up her icy skin. "Besides, I don't think a blanket could help me warm up as quickly."
Jason couldn't help but smile as he scooped her up and pulled her close to his chest. To think that only a year ago she was terrified of being near a giant's hand, now she would gladly accept being held by one. Earning her trust was an honor for him. "We warn you it would be cold."
"I didn't think it would be this bad!" 
Jason chuckled. "I guess you can't handle the cold now that you're off the streets." 
"Well good, because I never want to deal with that again." Stella remarked. 
Jason walked in the kitchen and eyed the raw chicken that laid on the counter. Finally, it had thawed out enough for him to prepare dinner. But first he needed both of his hands. He tugged on the collar of his jacket and brought Stella over to his shoulder. "Would you mind?" 
"Of course not." Stella shifted over to his shoulder and buried herself underneath the jacket, resting her head against Jason's neck.
"Figured it would be a better way to keep you warm." 
"Thanks," She smiled. "You really did help me warm up." 
"Anything for you, kiddo." Jason said as he preheated the oven. Hopefully, he can get warm soon.

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