Booze & Borrowers

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A wild party was always a great way to make Ezra forget about all the troubles of everyday life. All of his issues with his family could just be washed away with some shots and some pizza with friends. It was the best way to remember that life can still be worth it sometimes… except when Ezra finally woke up from his hang over and realized he still had to clean up the mess in the morning. 

Half filled bottles of alcohol and cold pizza slices were littered across the countertops. He wished he took up Dakota's offer to help clean up last night but she had work in the morning and Ezra was too drunk to make a logical decision. Whatever, he'll just have to accept the consequences of his actions. 

He started in the kitchen, where a lot of beer bottles scattered, some only half-drunk; a heavy sigh escaped Ezra's lips. "Can't believe I bought all this beer and it's going to waste…" He murmured as he began taking bottles and pouring them down the drain. It wasn't until the third or fourth bottle that he noticed movement inside the glass he just picked up. Ezra narrowed his eyes only to see this small humanoid creature with red hair draped over their face, the creature began flailing their arms around trying to stay above the waves of alcohol that crashed into them. Once the beer grew still, the small creature let out coughs and wheezy breaths, they flipped their red hair to reveal a youthful feminine face with freckles splashed across her cheeks. She glanced up with wild green eyes towards the glass to see Ezra staring back at her with his mouth agape. He couldn't believe it, this was a tiny human girl!

A shriek flew out her mouth as she pushed herself as far away from him as she could, making Ezra wince. He couldn't blame her for her fear, seeing a giant man with piercings and tattoos staring back would probably freak him out too. Still he wasn't going to keep her trapped in the beer bottle any longer. He immediately tipped the bottle over the sink but used his free hand to catch the tiny girl as she fell out along with the liquids. 

She attempted to scramble off Ezra's hand as soon as she landed on the plush surface, but he instinctively curled his fingers around her, erratic movements clawed at his skin but his hands seemed to go numb. He froze thinking about how absurd the idea of holding a tiny girl would be, this is utterly impossible! 

"I must be drunk if I'm seeing tiny people." Ezra declared as if speaking it outloud will make the sensation of a person flailing between his fingers disappear. However, teeth chomping down on his pinky gave all the confirmation that she was in fact real. Ezra winced and rushed over to the round table, swiping off any trash and deposited the girl. 

She stumbled backwards on her rear but immediately pushed herself up to make a run for it. She didn't get far before she tripped over herself and landed harshly on the wooden table, but before Ezra could reach out to help the girl stood back up and tried to run off again only to stumble yet again but she caught herself this time. She remained still as if one slight movement would cause her to topple over. 

"Hey, you need to take it easy, you're clearly drunk." He inched his hand forward towards the girl only to have her jump back. 

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" She shrieked out. 

"Okay, I won't, but you have to chill for a minute. You're in no shape to leave." 

"You don't get to tell me what to do!" She slurred out. 

"How long were you in that beer bottle for," He frowned. "And are you even old enough to drink?" 

"Are you old enough to sh... shut the fuck up!" 

Ezra rolled his eyes, only a response that stupid could come from the mouth of a teenager; which added another reason he felt like he had to stop her from running off. "Okay, well I'm Ezra, what's your name?"

"Fuck off!" 

"Weird name…" He muttered, refusing to break eye contact with her. She kept a piercing glare on him as if one look could kill him. It was rather impressive to see this small drunk teenager square up with someone who was a giant compared to her but it was stupid all the same! The girl looked like she barely ate and wore worn down clothes. The only thing that looked well kept on her was a purple handbag that hung off her shoulder; her fingers wrapped around the strap protectively. 

"How about I get you something to eat, would you like that?" 

"I don't need your handouts." She scoffed. 

Ezra raised his pierced brow. "Could've fooled me."

"I c…can find my own food." 

Ezra's icey blue eyes trailed back to the soaking wet bag. "Well, whatever you found is probably no good, so how about you accept my offer?" 

"Fuck no!" She spat out. 

Ezra rolled his blue eyes. "Quit being stubborn, you need to eat something if you're drunk." 

"You are n…not my!" She pointed a finger at him. 

"Bet he wouldn't like it if he caught you stumbling around the kitchen." 

"Like you would know…" For a moment, the anger that etched itself onto the girl's face was gone, replaced by a distant look. Ezra knew that look too well, something was troubling her. If the girl wasn't already drunk as fuck, he'd offer her a beer himself. He opened his mouth to offer some sort of sympathy for her but the tiny teen crashed down to her knees and began heaving. Bile spilled out of her mouth with each convulsion, a couple gasps filled her lungs before another wave of nausea hit her; this went on for a minute, then a wave of exhaustion took over and the girl slumped over her left side, her tangled red hair obscured any emotions on her face, yet Ezra swore he could hear the tiniest whimpers coming from her. 

Ezra's hand inched towards the tiny girl. "Come on, let's get you some rest." 

"No…" She moaned, weakly swatting at him. That was the extent of her resistance as Ezra gently cupped her in his hands. That fiery personality was officially gone, replaced by a trembling little girl curled up in the fetal position. Ezra truly felt for the girl, he couldn't imagine what was going through her head at the moment. There were so many questions running through his head about who she was and why she was so small but his first priority was to give her a place to sleep off that hangover. 

Strolling over to the living room, Ezra laid a pillow out on the couch and placed her on the plush surface. She never tried to move as she sank into the fabric, but her bloodshot eyes stared up at Ezra, almost as if she was pleaded with him to be released. 

"You know, all my friends choose my couch to sleep on when they're shitfaced." He chuckled. 

Maybe the redhead was actively ignoring Ezra's jokes or maybe she wasn't coherent enough to react to it, either way, she made no indication that she heard him. Leaving only an awkward silence to fill the air. 

"That's okay, you don't need to say anything." He said softly. "I'll be here if you need anything." He pulled out his phone and began browsing down instagram, seeing friends post photos of the party last night; however, Ezra couldn't help but look around in the background of the pictures, wondering if he would catch a glimpse of the tiny redheaded girl sneaking around to dive into a beer. Of course, she was nowhere to be seen. He only hoped that when she sobered up, she would be more cooperative. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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