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The woods was not a place to be in, especially at night. The rumors of a mysterious beast that lurked within them was just too risky for most locals in Claymore. However, Katie was able to uncover what the mysterious creature was… or rather who.
His name was Barrett, he was a skinny kid with a messy brown mop of hair that desperately needed a trim. he was just like any other fourteen year old boy, struggling with acne and trying to understand himself. So why did the town confuse a teenage boy living in the woods for a beast? 
He was a fifty foot giant who fell into a portal at the bottom of the lake and emerged in a world much smaller than his own. Ever since the summer, Barrett has been trying to survive out in the woods without been seen until the portal in the lake opens up in December. And Katie will be going with him. 
But tonight, was a perfect night for stargazing. The air was still, and the sky was clear. Katie laid on her giant friend's chest as she pointed out constellations. 
"Are the stars this bright in Jotunheim?" 
"No, the sky is blocked by clouds this time of year." Barrett rumbled. "But I'm also back from my hiking trip by this time so it never really mattered." 
"I can't wait for this portal to open up, so we can leave and finally return home." 
Barrett glanced over to the lake in the distance. The portal wouldn't open for another three months, and Barrett grew increasingly worried that he would never see his mother again. All it would take is for someone to show up at the wrong time and Barrett's chances of making it home would be gone forever. 
Sure it seemed silly for a giant to be scared of being caught. He could quickly silence any human who stumbled upon him, but doing that could mean hurting someone and that was the last thing Barrett wanted to do. His worse fear was that the military base nearby would find him and capture him, many nights of sleep have been lost due to this fear. 
Barrett felt the small girl stand up on his chest and sighed. "It's getting late, I should go before Ms. Doris finds out I'm gone." 
She balanced herself as she walked across his chest, her blonde twin braids bouncing with each step she took. Once she got to his arm she lept off it and landed on the ground with a soft thud. After she readjusted her thick black rim glasses, Katie turned to Barrett and flashed him a warm smile. "See you tomorrow, after school?" 
"Of course, where else would I be?" Barrett joked, but his mind taunted him with the nightmares that would come.
Katie chuckled and waved goodbye. "See you tomorrow then." 
Barrett's chest ached as he watched Katie walk towards the forest. He didn't want to be alone again, not when his nightmares lurk in the shadows just waiting to strike. 
"Wait!" Barrett reached his hand to block Katie's path. "Can you stay just a little but longer? I've been having some really bad nightmares lately." 
The sudden wall of flesh caused Katie to jump back, it wasn't like Barrett to stop her from leaving. But when she turned back to look at him, she could see a fearful expression in his green eyes. "What kind of nightmares?" 
"Being found out by the whole town, being taken by the military or being attacked by an angry mob." 
"Nothing's going to happen to you, Barrett." Katie reassured. "You could destroy anyone who would get in your way." 
"But I don't want to hurt anyone!" He cried out. "I don't want to do anything that would make me look like a monster and at this size, I know I must look like one." 
"So what would you do if someone did find you and try to stop you from leaving?" 
"I… don't think I could do anything." 
Katie opened her mouth to protest but her words were caught in her throat. She wanted to tell him that he needs to do anything necessary to make it back home, but that would mean doing what he hates most. And truthfully, Katie didn't want to see her only friend go into a bloodshed rampage. 
Barrett's voice interrupted Katie's thoughts. "But that's not the worst part of my nightmares." 
"Then what is?"
"Every time I call out to you, you're never there." 
"What happened to me in your dreams?" Katie asked. 
"I wish I knew." Barrett whispered. "But I fear that you were taken or that you got scared off by something. But I absolutely hate that you're not there to protect me."
Protect? How in the world could Katie protect Barrett from anything? She always felt so small and useless; if anything, Katie was the one Barrett needed to protect. And he has, many times. But if anything happened to Barrett, Katie would take down an army to save her only friend in the world.
She looked up at him, a fire in her brown eyes. "Barrett, I will never ever let anything happen to you."
"Cross my heart." 
Barrett brought his hand down to her level. "Then can you stay a little longer?" 
Katie smiled and eagerly hopped onto his hand. "Of course." 
As Barrett stood up to his full height, and headed towards his campgrounds, Katie wrapped her around his thumb and pulled it in for a hug. 
"Just promise you'll never leave me behind when the portal opens." 
"I promise, Katie."

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