The Curse

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William owed it to Kimi to help her get back to a normal size. He couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be to walk in a haunted house and then come out four inches tall! He wasn't really sure how he was going to help her, but there were two people who could probably help, but he had to go to Devil's Playground earlier if he wanted to ensure he could chat with them privately. The less people that knew about Kimi, the better. 
The bitter air clawed at William's face as he traveled down the dirt path to the costume trailers, if they were anywhere it would have to be there. He stepped into the trailer and peered around. 
"You're here early." Said a girl's voice. 
William turned around to see LaTonya standing behind him with a notepad in her hand. "Oh good, you're here. Where's Mikey." 
"Helping dad, with the soundboard." She said. "Why, is something wrong?" 
"I think we should wait til Mikey is here." William said.
"That could be a while," The teen replied. "Just tell me what's wrong." 
 "Tony and Ramsey fucked up big time last night." 
LaTonya crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "What did they do?" 
William hesitated, he wasn't sure how to word it without sounding like a total nutcase. "Well… it's complicated." 
"If they did something, my parents need to know immediately!" She growled. 
"That's the last thing we need right now!"
"Oh no, we are not going to brush whatever they did under the rug!" She snapped. "Either you spill it now, or I'll make sure my dad gets to the bottom of this!" 
"Okay fine!" William sighed, for a teenager, LaTonya really knows how to boss people around. He peered in his chest pocket and saw Kimi looking up at him. A nervous look plastered on her face but she gave a small nod to go through with this. William gently dug her out and extended his arm out to reveal her. There was no going back. 
LaTonya stared at the figure in William's hands in disbelief. At first, she thought it was a doll, but then she saw the chest rising and falling at a fast pace. 
"Uh.. hi?" The tiny woman said meekly. 
"What are you?!" 
I'm a human… or was until I got shrunk last night." 
"Kimi ran into Tony and Ramsey." William explained. "Said they had a book of spells they were using before she got shrunk." 
"You're telling me that that book they had actually had curses and spells in them."
William nodded. "They found it inside one of the floorboards as we were cleaning up the rooms before opening night." 
"Why would you let them keep an artifact you guys found!" Latonya snapped. "Do you know how valuable Von Nellen's books are?"
"I told them to give it to Mikey!"
"Wait, isn't Von Nellen just a character in your haunt's lore?" Kimi asked. 
"Not exactly…" LaTonya explained. "Xavier Von Nellen was a real satanist who murdered people, and the woods was where most of his victims were buried, but the bit about him taking over a circus tent and poisoning everyone is all made up." 
"You're telling me all those stories were real!?" 
"You never knew?" William asked.
"I just thought my mom was making up stories to keep me from going to a haunt."  "Oh my god, I really did get cursed by satanic magic!" Kimi's breath became short and rapid. 
"No no, don't freak out, hon. We're going to fix this." She reassured.
"I'm not sure, but we need to get that book first." 

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