The Game

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Darkness surrounded Stella, fortunately her eyes had begun to adjust and she could see the twin boys crouching under their bunk bed shining flashlights in hope of finding her. But there was no way she was going to let them get her! She had to get to the base before time ran out! 

She peeked her head out from her hiding spot underneath James' crumpled up shirt. If she ran past the robotic T-rex and crawled underneath the toy box. She could make a beeline for the lego tower and win the game! Stella slipped out of the clothing and ran while they were distracted. She made sure she was quiet as she ran, running and hiding were skills she was good at. She wasn't going to let two eleven year olds show her up. 

"She's not here." Charlie said. 

"Check by the closet." James ordered. "She might be close to the base." 

Their movements distracted Stella for a second, in that second, Stella tripped over the legs of an action figure and nearly lost her footing. She stumbled into the robotic dinosaur, which then triggered it to make growling noises. 
The room grew uncomfortably silent for a moment. Before the boys could react Stella bolted underneath the toy box. Just in time too, she could see the lights washing over the area she was just in. 

"She's close." James whispered. 

"Stella… we got you cornered." 

Like hell you do! She thought. The human girl began crawling further away, suppressing coughs from all the dust that collected underneath the box. Thunderous footsteps drew closer, and Stella picked up her speed! 

She felt like eyes were peering at her through the darkness. 

"I think I see her!" James shouted.

Stella hastily squirmed her way out of the toy box right before he shined his light at her, his flashlight illuminated through the crevice shining on the ground beneath her feet. Stella took this moment to run as fast as she could, she was so close to victory, she couldn't lose the game now!

"She's making a break for it, Charlie!"

Flashlights began beaming across the floor. Stella dodged the lights as if her life depended on it! The lego base was getting closer now, Stella couldn't help but let out a giggle as she could taste the victory! 

She was just a few steps away when a blinding light beamed above her. 

"We got her!" Charlie cheered.

"Beginner's luck." 

"That's what you said the last three times you lost." James said.

"And how many times have I won?" 

"Doesn't matter anymore, we know all your tricks!" 

Stella laughed. "That's what you think, Charlie." 

"Then prove it." 

A smile crept up on her face. "You're on."

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