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Luna brushed her lavender locks away from her face as she sat up. The glass jar created a cold and unwelcoming world as she started to come to her senses, last she remembered was her colony getting invaded by poachers, she was flying away with Carrie when one of those bastards casted a gray fog that spread across her village. Then the next thing she remembered was a sensation of drowsiness weighing her down. She fell to the ground and the last thing she heard was Carrie shouting her name before unconsciousness took over. 

"A sleeping spell!" Luna hissed out. Carrie always warned her about those spells, but she never thought she'd ever get caught in one. 

Peering out the glass prison, she saw a dimly lit room that had shelves of bottles with other vials of liquids. In the center of the room laid a black cauldron with a sickening green substance that was boiling to the brim. Luna's stomach twisted into a knot.

"I see the pest is awake." 

Luna spun around to see a tall slim woman with flowing blonde hair and piercing crimson eyes towering over her. Fear constricted Luna from uttering a word, all she could do was watch in horror as the woman reached out to grab the jar and lift it up at a nauseated speed. Luna lost her footing and stumbled into the glass wall.

The woman examined the little fairy before locking onto her wings. "I'm glad your wings weren't damaged in the capture, it can be hard to get fairies without damaging their wings." 

"W..why?" Luna gulped, fearing the answer she was about to hear.

"I've been tasked with enchanting a sword for a knight, and the only way to do that is with a pair of fairy wings." A cold smile twisted onto the woman's face. "And yours are in perfect condition…"

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