The team

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Shuriken(Aipom,his ace and partner pokemon who he befriended and then caught):
Shadow claw

Shonen(Greninja)(Given to him hy Sanpei when they started they journey):
Water Shuriken
Night slash(early)
Aerial ace
Double team(early)

Evergreen(Sceptile)(Caught on the outskirts of the Ninja village)(mega evolution):
Leaf blade
Dragon claw
Frenzy plant
Dragon pulse

Goku(Infernape)(Caught after he beat grant Chimchar was interested in Y/n and after Y/n beat him in a battle, he asked to join his team):
Flare blitz
Close combat

Excalibur(Aegislash)(Caught when he was battling at the battle chatou):
King Sheild
Iron head
Shadow sneak
Swords dance

Radio(Noivern)(Hatched as an egg before his battle against korrina):
Boom burst
Dragon pulse
Iron tail

And here is the full team all together.

And here is the full team all together

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(Full credit goes to Pokequest)

When they meet the kalos gang his pokemon are in their second stage forms with noivern being a noibat. Shonen is actually a greninja now while the other starters are in second stage forms(monferno and Grovyle) Y/n also has a sceptilite on
given to him after he beat Ramos.

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