Ninja village showdown

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We time skip to when the gang make it to the Ninja village. At this time Ash's Greninja has already evolved and the gang are staying in the Ninja village for one reason.

Flash back
Sanpei:Hmm. What is it?
Y/n:Before we leave I want to have a one on one battle with you please.
Sanpei:Of course.

The two Ninjas are on the battle field. They both send out their pokemon as they draw a crowd from the villagers.
Sanpei:Greninja use double team and night slash
Y/n:Use swift.
Greninja makes duplicates of himself as they all rush towards Shuriken. Shuriken gets on his kack and stars to spin as stars appear and hit each of the clones and then the real one.
Sanpei:Use smoke screen!
Greninja exhales a large amount of smoke from his mouth as the entire battlefield is now covered in smoke.
Y/n:Use Acrobatics!
Shuriken jumps into the air as he begins to glide around the smoke screen shield which causes it to spin around the same direction.
Sanpei:Now use night slash.
Greninja tries to retaliate with a night slash but it overwhelmed by the smokescreen which is still twirling.
Y/n:Now dive in!
Shuriken quick glides in through am opening with the smokescreen and hits Greninja before he cam retaliate.
Y/n:Now use swift.
Once more, Shuriken moves before Greninja and stars to spin like he did in the prior gym battle which cause the smoke screen to disperse and hit Greninja.
Sanpei:Use quick attack.
As Shuriken is continuing to fall Greninja accelerates towards and knocks him onto the ground. Shuriken retaliates with a shadow claw and return combo to send Greninja back. The battle continues on like this as the crowd is beginning to get restless and cheering for both sides. The gang are amazed at how well Shuriken is matching up towards Greninja. Serena comments on how they trained exclusively to beat Sanpei with these attacks. Shuriken is eventually able to tire out Greninja however Greninja is able to do the same back. They now the last attack will decide the winner and they call for their best moves.
Y/n:Use swift!
Sanpei:Water Shuriken!
Both star based attacks are launched at each other as they collided. The hundred stars are all most equal as one from each attack hits the target. Both opponents fall and struggle to get but one manages to get up. It was Shuriken.

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