Battling at full volume

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On their way to Snow point city the gang are by a river and Ash and Y/n are currently doing some training.
Ash:Greninja use cut! Pikachu electro ball!
Y/n:Shonen use night slash and Evergreen use leaf blade!
Pikachu sends a sphere of electricity towards the opposing pokemon but Shonen slices it with a night slash. Greninja comes in with a cut and Evergreen comes in with a leaf blade. The two collide and land in the water as a huge amount of water splashes onto both trainers, completely drenching them in water. As Clemont and Bonnie watch on in admiration Serena and Misty become increasingly worried.
Misty/Serena:Ash/Y/n you're going to catch a cold!
They each throw a towel to their respective boyfriend who catch them with their soaked hands.
Ash:Misty I'm fine.
Y/n:Yeah Serena there is nothing to-
Simultaneously they both sneeze loudly which worries their girlfriends even more. At Team Rocket's Headquarters, Jessie, James, and Meowth are kneeling before Giovanni as he congratulates them on their work in Kalos, and puts great emphasis on Meowth's achievements as he begins to reward him, which makes Meowth happy, but Meowth's impression changes as he becomes overloaded by the boss's rewards and struggles to breathe. As he continues, it turns out to have been a dream as he wakes up shortly after Jessie and James shout to him, along with Wobbuffet and Inkay. As Jesse and James comment about Meowth's sleep talking, Meowth begins to change the subject as he quickly mentions that they need to capture Pikachu. Jessie and James also bring up how that Y/n(who they refer to as Ninja twerp) also has some powerful pokemon that they could capture. Not long after, a loud guitar is heard, catching the attention of Team Rocket as they look up to a hill and two people standing above, one was the person with a guitar and a pikachu

 Not long after, a loud guitar is heard, catching the attention of Team Rocket as they look up to a hill and two people standing above, one was the person with a guitar and a pikachu

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And the other was dressed with a stoic demeanor and an Accelgor was by her side.

Jimmy:No way that Pikachu is stronger than the ultimate duo if Jimmy and Spike! Kieru:And no ninja is better then the best ninja Kieru and Accelgor! (kieru means Disappeae in Japanese) They then ask where they can find the Pikachu trainer and the ...

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Jimmy:No way that Pikachu is stronger than the ultimate duo if Jimmy and Spike!
Kieru:And no ninja is better then the best ninja Kieru and Accelgor!
(kieru means Disappeae in Japanese)
They then ask where they can find the Pikachu trainer and the Ninja that they want to battle. Later that morning, Clemont, Serena, Misty and Bonnie are all awake, but Bonnie comments on how Ash and Y/n aren't joining them. Clemont informs her that Ash was training hard the previous night, just as Serena and Misty ask Bonnie to go and wake Ash and Y/n up. As Bonnie approaches Ash's tent, Ash emerges and Bonnie tells him that breakfast is ready. Ash rubs his eyes and speaks weakly before he attempts to walk to the table as Serena asks him if he's hungry. Ash begins to get closer to Serena before collapsing in front of her and holding on to her, making Misty nervous as she's so close to him. Ash attempts to talk to Misty as he tells her that "now's their chance..." managing to say "I...", which makes Misty wonder what he's trying to say, but Ash says, "Iron Tail...Pikachu" before collapsing, much to everyone's worry as Misty notices Ash has a fever and Clemont tells them they need to get Ash to bed. Serena is now worried about Y/n.
Serena:Where is Y/n?
She rushes over to their tent that they shared for the night and she sees Shuriken is sitting by his side worried as he has the same feverish look that Ash has. With Ash and Y/n now in their sleeping bags, Serena and Misty use a wet wash cloth to help bring Y/n and Ash's temperature down, but Serena mentions that it becomes warm quickly. Clemont then comments that it must have been from the previous night when they got soaked and that he must have caught a bad cold. Pikachu becomes worried about Ash while Shuriken remains worried about Y/n but Clemont says that he'll go and get them both some medicine and Bonnie agrees to go with him. Serena and Misty tell them that there's a pharmacy around and that they should take her guide book to help them get there and Clemont and Bonnie leave Serena to take care of Ash while they get medicine.

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