Y/n vs sawyer

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We timeskip to when the gang finally make it to Laverre City for Y/n and Ash's next gym battle.

Y/n:So who exactly is the gym leader. All I heard about them is that they are some fashion designer called  Valerie.
The second he said that his girlfriend Serena looked at him with a look of shock.
Serena:You don't know who Valerie is?! She is one of the best fashion designers in kalos and-
She goes on to talk about Valerie for about 5 minutes as Y/n and the Gang just sweatdropped at this.
Clemont:She specialises in the fairy typing.
Ash:OK so I should do OK then.
Y/n:Unlike me. Half my team is weak to fairy type pokemon and I only have one pokemon who is strong against fairy type.
Serena:Don't worry Y/n I know you can beat her.
Y/n:Thanks babe.
At that comment Serena gained her famous red blush.
Serena:No problem babe.
They then walk off to the gym and see a boy with green hair and a note book talking to the receptionist.

Sawyer:What?! I can't have my gym battle! Why not?!Receptionist:I'm sorry but Valerie is currently busy with her fashion line so she can't accept challengers

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Sawyer:What?! I can't have my gym battle! Why not?!
Receptionist:I'm sorry but Valerie is currently busy with her fashion line so she can't accept challengers.
Sawyer:Aww man.
He then walks off but stops when he sees the gang.
Y/n/Ash:So we can't have a gym battle?
They then look down with sadness before Serena speaks up.
Serena:Well while we wait why don't we go to the store.
They then go the store with the girls stargazing at the clothes while the boys talk about stuff.
Sawyer:So how many gym badges do you two have?
Y/n:Ash and I have five badges each.
Sawyer:Cool! I really want to battle one of you. Can I please?
Ash:Sure let's go. Anything to get out of here.
The three males go out onto the battlefield while the girls exit the store to watch the battle.

Sawyer:Awesome battle. Too bad that I lost.
Ash:Yeah that was a great battle.
While they are saying this Evergreen leaves her pokeball to look at grovyle.
Sawyer:Y/n you have a sceptile?!
Y/n:Yep. She was the first pokemon o ever caught on my journey and I named her Evergreen.
Sawyer:Cool. Hey after I heal my poke.on why don't we have a battle?
Y/n:Of course!
Sawyer goes to the pokemon center and heals his pokemom and then comes out.
Sawyer:Let's make this a one on one battle between Grovyle and Evergreen.
Y/n:Sure ready battle begin!
Both pokemon of the same evolution line go onto the battlefield.
Sawyer:Use bullet seed!
Y/n:Deflect them with Leaf blade and then use dragon pulse.
Grovyle sends seeds towards its evolution only for them to be sent back to him at full force and dealing minor damage. Evergreen then shoots a beam of dragonic energy to its pre-evolution which dealt major damage.
Sawyer:Grovyle are you OK?!
Grovyle gives a nod.
Sawyer:Wow, Evergreen is very strong.
Y/n:Thanks but we are only getting started. Charge in with dragon claw!
Sawyer:Block with Leaf blade!
Grovyle and Evergreen charge in with their attacks as the Leaf blad end dragon claw collide with each other. However dragon claw easily overpowered the Leaf blade and sends grovyle away. Grovyle barely got up but then begins to glow green.
Sawyer:It's overgrow! Use your powerup for razor Leaf!
Y/n:Sorry but it's time to finish this! Use leaf blade to cut those leafs and attack grovyle!
Grovyle sends leafs which are glowing the same shad effect green grovyle was glowing at high speeds. However, just like at the start of the match Evergreen cuts through them with ease and charges at grovyle with Leaf blade efor the last bit of damage needed.
Clemont:Grovyle is unable to battle which means Evergreen is the winner of this battle.
Sawyer:Wow, I guess we weren't ready to fight Evergreen yet.
Good battle Y/n.
Y/n:Yeah sawyer. You at least had attacks that could do damage to Evergreen.
Y/n looks to Clemont with a grin as the electric gym leader and his luxray who just came out of his pokeball looked down ashamed. The group then laugh at this as they make their way to the pokemon center. After they come out of the building three girls approach Serena, Misty and Bonnie who ask for their help with something.

The three girls take Serena, Misty and Bonnie to meet Valerie, who looks them over and agrees that they will do nicely, but without explaining anything. Serena is overcome with joy at finally meeting Valerie, but Bonnie quickly asks her to take care of Clemont as well, but Serena chides her for it. Valerie then explains that she needs a favor from the two of them. Outside, Ash, Clemont, and Sawyer are next to the large runway that has been set up, still trying to figure out what is going on. As the fashion show starts, several dresses designed after Pokémon are modeled, including designs of an Azumarill, female Meowstic Gothoritaand Chimecho uddenly, Serena, Misty and Bonnie appear with Braixen and Dedenne, modeling dresses designed after Florges(Serena)and  Chingling(Bonnie)nd milotic(Misty)Once Y/n and Ash get over their shock of seeing their girlfriends on the stage at which they blush at their pretty outfits, Serena explains that the real models could not come and so Valerie needed three substitutes and chose them.

Suddenly, Valerie herself appears, explaining to the crowd how she used Pokémon as the basis for all of her designs. Following the advice of the girl who denied Sawyer and Ash Gym challenges earlier that day, Valerie calls Sawyer onto the stage and challenges him to a battle—with the usual Gym rules in place. With the battle being a one-on-one match, Sawyer calls on his Bagon and Valerie her Spritzee, Bagon starts off with a Dragon Breath ttack, but it fails due to Spritzee being a fairy type.

Sawyer then attempts to use back-to-back headbutt attacks, just like Hawlucha did earlier, but his efforts again fail due to Spritzee's ability to move freely in the air. The battle is soon over with a single dazzling gleam ttack from Spritzee, and Sawyer does not earn the Fairy Badge.

Later that evening, the group has a meal at the pokemon center with Ash and Y/n excitedly anticipating their  upcoming Gym battles against Valerie.

They along with Sawyer head outside to train, followed by the others once they finish eating.

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