Pokemon league part 6-Y/n vs Ash part 2

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He throws it as the next pokemon comes out. Out from the ball comes his Talonflame.
Ash:Flame charge!
Y/n:King shield!
The bird of fire covers himself in boiling hot flames as he charged to the valiant sword and shield. However the steel type brought his shield in front of him as the attack was cancelled and Talonflame's attack dropped.
Y/n:Sacred sword!
Ash:Flame charge again!
Sword and beak clash as both pokemon are sent back.
Y/n recalls his pokemon as he sends out Radio in his place.
Ash:Brave bird!
Talonflame flies towards the sound wave dragon with glowing energy over him.
Y/n:Boom burst!
Radio let's out a loud sound wave which causes people in the audience to cover their ears. The powerful normal type attack disorientated the fire type as Talonflame's brave bird was canceled.
Ash:Steel wing!
The speed from repeated flame charges allowed the bird to blitz towards the dragon with his steel plated wings that sliced at the beast's belly.
Y/n:Grab Talonflame.
Radio grabs the bird with his claws as Talonflame squealed in pain.
Y/n:Time for the finisher. Hurricane!
Radio began to fly in a circular motion as the winds began to pick up. Soon the gentle breeze became a powerful, dangerous tornado. He then through the bird into it as the winds acted like blades that sliced at Talonflame. Soon the winds died down as Talonflame crashed to the ground unconscious.
Ref:Talonflame is unable to battle, Ash send out your next pokemon.
A mirror battle now occurs between the two trainers.
The two identical pokemon clash with high frequency waves that almost deafen the audience. However, Radio's over powered Ash's Noivern and the dragon  was overwhelmed.
Once again Ash's pokemon was trapped in the dangerous tornado however Ash had a plan.
Even with the sounds of the vicious winds ringing through the battlefield a condensed sound wave made its way through and hit Radio as the dragon was now confused.
Y/n:Snap out of it and use dragon pulse!
Ash:Dragon claw and Acrobatics!
Radio unfortunately bit him himself as Noivern darted into Radio's belly with Acrobatics before batting him down with dragon claw. Radio fell into the lake of the battlefield and was unable to battle.
Ref:Noivern is unable to battle, Y/n send out your next pokemon.

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