A mega duel-Dragons vs Fairies

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The battle between Megs Sceptile and mega Mawile had begun as both megas looked at each other with determination.

Valerie:I will go first. Use moonblast!
Y/n:Dodge it and use leaf blade!
Mawile sent over an assault of  pink spheres of fairy power towards the Hoenn starter as Evergreen accelerated towards the steel and fairy type with incredible speed. The moonblast assault didn't seem to stop as more attacks kept coming. As Evergreen got closer she got hit by the last fairy type move which did some heavy damage as Evergreen summoned a long Grassy blade which soared through the air and made contact and sent Mawile flying towards the back of the field.
Sawyer:Since Evergreen becomes part dragon that moonblast did super effective damage.
Clemont:The worst part is that Evergreen's dragon type moves won't do any damage towards Mawile.
Serena:No matter what I now that he will win.
Ash:Yeah. He just has to think of something.
Y/n:Evergreen are you OK?
Evergreen looks back at her trainer and gives him a nod
Y/n:Then use another leaf blade.
Valerie:Use iron head!
The two mega evolutions rush at each other with impending force as their two attacks then connected.
Valerie:Use moonblast now!
Evergreen:Quickly get out of there!
Evergreen is fast but not fast enough to avoid a moonblast from close range. The grass type starter then got sent back to the end of the battlefield.
Y/n:(I have to think of a way to beat Mawile's defenses. It is very defensive as a steel type but that defense is a huge problem)
He thinks about this more as Evergreen and Mawile trade multiple blows with each other.
Y/n:(What can I do to win this matchup?)
Just then Evergreen began to start glowing red as Y/n's pokedex lit up qnd he grabbed it.
Y/n's Pokedex:Sceptile has learnt a new move.
Y/n looks at the move and realised that it was the new move he was trying to learn since he got Evergreen as a Treecko but she couldn't master it. Until now. She looks at her trainer and they both have an understanding.
Y/n:Time for our new move!
Valerie:New move?
Clemont:What attack could they use at this point?
Sawyer:I don't know.
Serena:I hope it is a good move.
Y/n:Use endeavour!( Yes for those of you that don't know. Sceptile can have this move as an egg move but for this story Evergreen is just going to use anine bs to learn it just now at this crucial moment)(current moveset:Leaf blade, Dragon pulse, Endeavor, Frenzy plant)
Everyone was shocked as Evergreen sent over a surge of red energy towards Mawile as the Deceiver pokemon fell to its knees.
Serena:What is endeavor?
She brings up her pokedex as it reads out the details of the normal type move.
Serena's pokedex:Endeavor is a normal type non damaging attack which will force the opposing pokemon to match the current health points of the user pokemon no matter how much health the pokemon has. Currently the pokemo that is unaffected by this move is the bug ghost type pokemon shedninja.
Serena:Wow. That could be the move he needs to win.
Sawyer:Of course! Since Evergreen became a dragon type pokemon it will take huge damage leaving her at low health which means Mawile is now at the same level as her now.
Valerie:Use moonblast!
Mawile was weaker now so she could only send about one attack but Y/n had a crazy idea.
Y/n:Use dragon pulse!


veryone is surprised as Mawiles's Moonblast and Evergreen's dragon pulse hit each other as the dragon type attacks trapped the attack and in fact enlarged it creating a gigantic sphere of destructive power.

Serena:What is that?!Everyone minus Y/n:I don't know?!Y/n:Use Leaf blade! Send the dragon blast away!Valerie:Send it back with Iron head!Both pokemon hit the purple ball of destructive energy playing a game of war

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Serena:What is that?!
Everyone minus Y/n:I don't know?!
Y/n:Use Leaf blade! Send the dragon blast away!
Valerie:Send it back with Iron head!
Both pokemon hit the purple ball of destructive energy playing a game of war. They battle to see who will win.
Valerie/Y/n:Full power now!
The increase the power round their attacks until one of them win. That was when Evergreen increased her leaf blade to be as big as the wall while Mawile's iron head got brighter signalling it's increase in power. That was when one them sent the miniature purple sun away crashing into a wall, making the loser unable to battle. The one to fall was Mawile.
Ref:Mawile is unable to battle which means Sceptile wins the battle which also means that challenger Y/n is the winner.
Valerie:Well done on your victory Y/n here is the fairy badge.
Y/n is handed his gym badge as his girlfriend Serena runs up to and embraces him in a hug.
Serena:You were so amazing Y/n.
Y/n kisses his girlfriend's head leaving her with a smile
They then go to bed in the pokemon center.
The next day Clemont is the only one down stairs and he is wondering where everyone else is. That is when the retest of the gang come down stairs but where new pokemon outfits.

Clemont:Wow you guys look good.
Ash/Y/n:Especially Serena/Misty
The girls then blush at their boyfriends compliements.
Clemont:Where did you guys get these from?
Bonnie:Valerie gave these to us as a gift.
The gang then head to their next destination.

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