Final gym battle

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The gang arrives at the snow Belle gym. Yesterday ash had his gym battle and won after his second attempt.

Today was Y/n's turn to battle. Both trainers are on the opposite sides of the battlefield.
Ref:This will be a three on three battle between Wulfric and Y/n. Only three challenger will be allowed to switch pokemon. Now battle begin!
Wulfric:Bergmite let's go!
Y/n:Let's go Shuriken!
Both trainers send out their pokemon. Y/n's partner had his move set changed to adapt to this battle.
Fake out
Shadow claw
U turn
Wulfric:Use rapid spin!
Y/n:Fake out!
Before Bergmite could move the long tail pokemon dashed at high speed and punched the pokemon, stopping him in his track.
Y/n:Shadow claw!
Shuriken's tail become L's surrounded by a black aura with a purple outline. The aura then takes the form of a claw and Shuriken slashes the opponent with it. Bergmite slides across the icy floor uncontrollably and Wulfric uses this to his advantage.
Wulfric:Use rapid spin and icy wind!
Bergmite continues spinning as it is more directed towards his opponent. As he spins a wave of icy cold air is sent towards Shuriken. The monkey's movements are then slowed down as Y/n does his next move.
Y/n:Use swift!
Shuriken sends a flurry of stars that smash into Bergmiye, stopping him.
Y/n:U turn!
In a flash, despite the speed drop, Shuriken dashed towards the speeding ice type with his tail glows green as he hits the opponent with it. He then returns to its Poké Ball and another pokemom gets sent out. Y/n is quick to act upon the switch.
Y/n:Shonen use night slash!
Shonen gets a black blade of energy that slashed Bergmite to the other side into the wall.
Ref:Bergmite is unable to battle. Wulfric please send out your next pokemon.
Wulfric:Go Avalugg!
He sends out his giant iceberg pokemon.
Y/n:Water shuriken!
Shonen sends a wave of sharpen blades of water that smash into Avalugg.
Wulfric:Use avalanche!
Avalugg's body glows light blue, and a dark cloud appears above the opponent. Chunks of white  ice then rain down from the cloud and strike the opponent. It was evident to Y/n that the move became more powerful when Avalugg was hit by an attack just before using it.
Y/n:Double team!
Multiple copies of the same pokemon sprouted from Shonen until the other half of the battlefield was covered by ten more Greninjas.
Wulfric:We'll take them all out. Gyro ball!
Avalugg spins in a fast counter-clockwise rotation and as he spins a light-blue aura surrounds him, with a bright white light running horizontally across the light-blue aura surrounding Avalugg.
Y/n:All of you use aerial ace!
The 11 ninja pokemon dashed upwards and collided with the spinning ice type with their feet all glowing. Their combined force of the attacks stop the spinning threat.
Y/n:Water shuriken.
Avalugg glows blue once again as a dark cloud swirls in the air and large chunks of white ice come raining down. The copies plus the real one still send their attacks but the chunks of ice begin to destroy the copies. The water shurikens hit their mark but all the copies were gone as the real one was dashing in between the chunks of ice.
Y/n:Night slash!
With one final strike, Shonen manifested a large blade of darkness that his sliced at Avalugg. The attack was so powerful it causes a giant crater in the battlefield. The pokemon laid their unconscious.
Ref:Avalugg is unable to battle. Wulfric send our your last pokemon.
Ash(thought):How is he beating Wulfric without losing a single pokemon?
Wulfric:Go Abomasnow.
He sent out his last pokemon which stood tall above Shonen. As soon as the pokemon came out harsh hail began to manifest out of nowhere. Suddenly Y/n returned his frog back to his pole ball.
Y/n:Go Shuriken!
He sent out his partner pokemon Shuriken back onto the battlefield.
Wulfric:I can't waste any time!
He them got out a giant pendant and began to chant.

Y/n:Fake out!
Once again he dashed across the battlefield and punched Abomasnow before he could even attack.
Wulfric:Use wood hammer!
Y/n:U turn!
Abomasnow smashed his mighty fist into the monkey but Shuriken was able to sustain the attack and smashed Abomasnow back with a u turn as he returned to his pokeball and out came Y/n's last pokemon.
Y/n:Goku use dig!
Goku his infernape dug into the ground.
Wulfric:Use wood hammer on the ground.
Abomasnow got his green glowing fist ready.
Y/n:Now use flarw blitz from underneath at full power!
Goku was then engulfed in flames as he began using flare blitz. The entire battlefield was filled with fire from underneath and began to redden.

Due to the ground being made out of ice and the intense power behind the move the ground began to melt away as the flame pokemon jumped out and slammed into Abomasnow sending him back

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Due to the ground being made out of ice and the intense power behind the move the ground began to melt away as the flame pokemon jumped out and slammed into Abomasnow sending him back. The giant yeti's feet began to sink into the newly formed pool of water and his power behind the wood hammer faded away.
Y/n:Finish this with a combo attack! Close combat and acrobatics!
Goku soared through the air and crashed into Abomasnow. He then sent a barrage of punches into Abomasnow's face. The pokemon then fell unconscious as the mega evolution faded.
Ref:Abomasnow is unable to battle which means Infernape wins the battle which also means that challenger Y/n is the winner.
When Wulfric was about to give Y/n his badge, Serena jumped off the stands and ran across the watery battlefield towards Y/N and hugged him with a signature bone breaking hug.

Serena:You were so amazing Y/N. Now you can enter the pokemon league! I am so proud of you.
Y/n(blushing) :T-thanks Serena
Everyone in the gym then awwed in unison as both Y/N and Serena blushed bright red and they went to the pokemon centre to heal up.

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