A Race of home

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Y/n is now travelling with the gang and it is going well. He has shown his entire team at this point.Shuriken(Aipom), Shonen(Greninja), Excalibur(doublade), Goku(monferno), Evergreen(grovyle), Radio(noibat) and of course Bonnie is excited to see them all. Ash of course is surprised that Y/n has three starter pokemon but is also very excited to see a mega stone, which is a sceptilite but they can'tuse it yet. Ash's frogadier also is admirable towards Shonen. Ash and Y/n have also had many battles where Y/n has won all of them. He has also told them that he has 4 badges and Ash is asking a bunch of questions about the gym leader and their pokemon.They are now on their way to Baa de mer Ranch to check out the famous cheese and ice cream.
Ash:So this place has some good cheese and ice cream right.
Clement:Right. They produce very delicious food and also have a skidoo farm.
Bonnie:What are skidoo?
Y/n then gets his pokedex and shows her the data on skidoo.

Y/n then notices Serena and gets concerned.
Y/n:Serena are you okay?
Serena:Oh yeah i am.
The gang then make it to the Ranch and begin to start riding the grass goats when Grace, Serena's mom, tell them about how skidoo riding is the first step of Rhyhorn racing. However while they are riding Y/n seems to notice that Serena is still looking on with a look of depression. Y/n then gets concerned but then they go onto to lunch with Ash and Bonnie having star eyes at the thought of having cheese and ice cream. They were not disappointed by the results. While this is happening Grace asks Serena to continue her Rhyhorn racing training.
Y/n:But Serena aren't you a per-
He is then cut off by Serena covering his mouth and then drags him away.
Serena:Please don't tell my mom about me being a performer.
Serena:Because I want to be the one to tell her.
Y/n:OK I understand.
Serena:Thanks Y/n.
They then get back to eating their cheese and ice cream. After that Serena begins her performance training but what she doesn't know is that Grace is secretly watching.

Meanwhile with team rocket.

They are now stealing the cheese from the farm but a worker sees them and they run away. The same worker runs Grace.

Worker:Grace! Some people just stole the cheese from the farm!
Grace:Oh no!
Serena:Mom what's wrong?
Grace:Some people stole the cheese from the farm.
Serena and the Gang then decide to go look for the culprit and they find team rocket.

Ash:Team rocket! What are you doing here?!
Team then do their stupid motto.

Y/n:Who are these dorks?
Team rocket:Who are you calling dorks!?
Ash:They are team rocket Who like to steal other people's pokemon and they keep trying to steal my pikachu..
Y/n was now furious as Team rocket sent out pumpkaboo and Inkay and Y/m sent out all of his starters.
James:Wow! A grovyle, monferno and Greninja! All for the price of one scheme!
Jessie:Let's grab them.
Y/n:Use water Shuriken, leaf blade and flame wheel amd Shuriken use swift.
The starters and Shurui then execute their attacks and send team rocket flying.

Grace then approaches Serena, and then offers Serena that it is time for her to come back home to train as a professional Rhyhorn racer. Serena, with courage, tells her mother that she has decided she is going to become a Pokémon Performer and will not go home. Grace argues that Serena will just give up when things get too hard. Serena then decides to settle it with a Rhyhorn race, though her mom suggests a Skiddo race as she herself is a professional Rhyhorn racer.

The race begins with Serena taking an early lead, but Serena falls off her Skiddo, allowing Grace to take the lead. But with determination, Serena gets back on and continues the race. Reflecting on who she had met and what she had learnt on her journey, Serena is able to catch up to Grace and win the race. Grace congratulates Serena for her win and then tells Serena that she saw her secret performance. She states that Skiddo was able to sense how strong her dream was. Grace then gives her support for Serena's dream and informs Serena that there will be a Showcase in Coumarine City.

The gang then walk on towards Coumarine City for Ash's gym battle and Serena's showcase debut.

 A tale of love(Serena x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now