Pokemon league part 3-Y/n vs Alain part 2

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The battle between Y/n and Alain was getting very interesting for the spectators. Alain grabbed a pokeball from his belt and launched it into the battlefield. From the ball came a creature with predominantly black fur with  a red crest and red feathers on the back with long claws.
Y/n:Weavile. Excalibur return.
He returned his pokemon and looked at his loyal partner.
Y/n:Ready buddy.
Shuriken nodded already understanding the idea. As he leapt into the battlefield.
Alain:Use night slash!
Y/n:Fake out!
Before Weavile could move he got hit in the face with a fake out that sent him flying across the field.
Alain:Use double team!
Weavile spilt off into multiple versions of himself.
Shuriken sent stars to every Weavile until they all disappeared and Weavile was on the floor.
Alain:Use ice beam!
Y/n:Use  Brick break!
Brick break
Fake out
Shadow claw
Shuriken dashed through the air and landed a slash at Weavile's side before he could fire the ice beam at his intended target and instead pointing it down at his feet and freezing himself to the floor.
Y/n:Shadow claw!
Weavile formed a large barrier that blocked the incoming Shadow claw but every thing was working against Alain.
Their best move was sent at point blank range as Weavile was sent through the artificial boulders of the battlefield and into the stream of water.
Ref:Weavile is unable to battle. Alain send out your next pokemon.
Alain:Go Unfezant!
He sends out his Unfezant as Y/n recalls his partner.
Y/n:You did amazing. Go Radio!
He sends out his next pokemon.
Alain:Sky attack!
Y/n:Use acrobatics!
Unfezant began charging up his attack as Radio did sporadic movements in the air before bashing into the unovan regional bird. The flying type finishes charging up and slams into the dragon but his opponent is hardly fazed.
Y/n:Grab him and use boom burst!
Alain:Steel wing!
Unfezant's wings are covered in a metallic sheen as he slashed at Radio. Radio in retaliation grabs his whole body with his talons, gripping hard and firm before unleashing a high frequency sound wave.
Y/n:Use iron tail!
Radio let's go and throws the bird onto the ground with a smack of his metallic tail.
Alain:Air slash!
Unfezant sends blades of air towards Radio as they slash at him.
Y/n:Dragon pulse!
Radio forms a purple ball of energy in his mouth before he released it and it formed the shape of a dragon and smashed into Unfezant.
Ref:Unfezant is unable to battle. Alain send our your next pokemon.
Announcer:Folks this is incredible. Y/n has failed to lose a single pokemon! What can Alain do?!
Alain;Go Bisharp!
He sends out his Bisharp as Y/n recalls Radio.
Y/n:Go Goku!
He sent out his infernape as he stared down his opponent.
Alain:Use thunder wave!
Bisharp's bladed forearms became yellow as he sent a wave of electricity towards Goku.
Goku dug through the ground, avoiding the attack entirely.
Alain:Wait Bisharp.
Bisharp waited patiently as Goku tunneled through the battlefield. Bisharp felt the ground beneath him rumble as he leapt into the air fast enough to avoid the attack.
Without time to respond Goku was hit by the OHKO move and fainted.
Ref:Infernape is unable to battle. Y/n send out your next pokemon.
Announcer:And Y/n has finally lost a pokemon! Maybe Alain can win this!
Y/n:Go Shuriken!
His partner leaps back onto the battlefield.
Alain:Thunder wave!
Y/n:Fake out!
Shuriken darted towards Bisharp and punched him in the gut which made him flinch.
Y/n:Now use brick break!
With the close proximity Shuriken is able to send Bisharp far back with a quad effective move. The steel type struggles to get back on his feet hurt Y/n won't let it.
Y/n:Brick break and swift!
Alain:Thunder wave!
Shuriken sent a wave of stars towards Bisharp as the steel type is pelted with them. Shuriken then dives into his attack with his tail glowing as Bisharp sends a wave of electricity, paralyzing the normal type before he gets taken out by a brick break.
Ref:Bisharp is unable to battle. Alain send out your next pokemon.
Alain:Go tyranitar!
He sends out his other pseudo legendary pokemon as Y/n recalls his partner and sends out his next pokemon.
Y/n:Go Radio!
Radio is sent out as the dragon stares form Tyranitar. A whirlwind of sand kicks up as the crowd are blinded from the battle.
Alain:Stone edge!
Y/n:Boom burst!
Tyranitar punches the ground as large spikes protrude from the earth and race towards Radio. The sound emitter sends a high frequency sound wave to the rock pillars but they are boosted from the sand stream and withstand the attack as they stab into Radio's stomach. The dragon roars in pain as he falls to the ground. As he falls he is painfully whipped on his skin but the gusts of sand as he cries out with more pain.
Alain:Use crunch!
Y/n:Use acrobatics to Dodge.
Tyranitar charges forwards with glowing fangs as he readys as crunch but Radio use acrobatics to evade the initial attack but when he flies up he is hit again by the sand winds as he falls towards Tyranitar.
Alain:Use stone edge!
Large spikes emerge from the ground as they clash with the falling dragon. The force of the winds only boost the attack as Radio clatters to the ground unconscious.
Ref:Noivern is unable to battle. Y/n send out your next pokemon.
Y/n:Go Shonen!
He sent out his greninja. Who will win? Shonen the quick ninja or Tyranitar the brutal tyrant?

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