Pokemon league part 2-Alain vs Y/n part 1

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We now see Y/n at the end of a battle (as much as I would have liked to go in depth with the battle, there was a huge skip of battles)
Y/n:Shuriken, swift!
His ace sends a wave of stars towards the opposing Clawizter which knocks him out earning him the win. He is the placed into the semi finals. As he walks back he is greeted by his friends and then his girlfriend who kisses him on the cheek.
Serena:You were amazing Y/n.
Y/n:Hehe. Thanks babe.
Ash:So we both made it through. This means that we might face off against each other.
Y/n:When that comes let's give it our all.
The final battle of the quarter final was Sawyer vs Tierno. The duo made their way to the battlefield.

The pairings for the next battles showed on the screen.
Ash vs Sawyer
Y/n vs Alain
Both trainers in the stands were very happy for their matchups.
Time skip
Y/n is in his room formulating a plan as Serena is changing in the bathroom.
Y/n:The only pokemon I know he has are  Charizard and Metagross. Radio and Goku would be the most ideal to take them on and Evergreen mega evolved would be good as well. I have to try and preserve Radio and Evergreen for the battle against Charizard. Though I don't know if he would start with Metagross or Charizard. He isn't stupid enough to send out his ace at the start of the battle so it is either Metagross to preserve his other pokemon or switch it up on me and use something completely different.
Serena finally comes out of the bathroom in her night gown. She comes into bed with Y/n.
Serena:Are you ok? You seem tense.
Y/n:I am just formulating a plan. Alain has kept four of his six pokemon secret from everyone so I have no idea of what I could be facing.
Serena:Well he wouldn't start off with Charizard, I know that for sure.
Y/n:Yeah. So maybe Metagross. But still.
Serena:Might be a long shot but you could start off with Excalibur.
Y/n:Of course. Excalibur can block off attacks with king shield and and then I can test out the pokemon. Thanks Serena.
Serena had a light blush and smiled.
Serena:No problem sweetheart.
The pair then fell asleep. It was now the next day. Ash's battle was first and Y/n used it as a way to formulate new strategies. He saw how Ash defeated Sawyer's aegislash by using planks of wood to block king shield.
Y/n:So it's the speed of the equip phase that is vital. I have to train Excalibur in doing that.
It was now time for his battle. After getting a  good luck kiss from Serena he ran down to the battlefield. Alain was on the other side with a stoic face. The referee was at his side and announced the rules.
Ref:This battle with be a six on six battle. The battle will be over with either side's six pokemon are unable to battle. Furthermore, both trainers will be able to substitute pokemon. Now may both trainers send out their pokemon.
Alain/Y/n:Go Metagross/Excalibur!
They both sent out their non gender pokemon as the battle began.
Alain:Use meteor mash!
Metagross' fists glowed blue as he charged forwards towards Excalibur.
Y/n:King shield!
A barrier blocks the attack as Metagross' attack falls.
Y/n:Back away with shadow sneak and use swords dance!
Alain:Use psyshock!
Excalibur is engulfed with black energy and darted backwards, avoiding the psychic force of the attack as four holographic swords spun around it.
Y/n:Now use shadow sneak!
Excalibur glowed black again but this time stabbed its sword into the x mark on Metagross' face. Excalibur dug into the mark, leaving a small scar.
Alain:Use agility to get away!
Metagross gained a pink outline on its body as it skidded across the battlefield to get away.
Alain:Rock slide!
Y/n:Cut them down with shadow sneak!
Metagross threw large boulders towards the sword and shield pokemon but the haunted sword simply slashed them with a black sword.
Alain:Use psyshock!
Metagross launched a ring of purple masses of energy in front of its body. Meditite then fires the masses at the opponent, one after the other. Excalibur was inflicted by the attack.
Y/n:Shadow sneak!
Once more Excalibur is engulfed in dark matter and drives its sword deeper into the gash.
Alain:Use meteor mash!
Y/n:Iron head!
Metagross drove its fist into the ghost type as the sword retaliated with a steel shield that inflicted similar not very effective damage.
Y/n:Back away and use swords dance!
Alain:Catch it with rock slide!
Excalibur begins to float away as Metagross sends boulders towards it. Holographic swords spun around again and raised its attack.
Y/n:Use shadow sneak!
Excalibur once again dug its sword into the crack. The crack now effects the pseudo legendary pokemon as it collapses.
Ref:Metagross is unable to battle. Alain send out your next pokemon.
Narrator:What will be Alain'e next pokemon? Will it be Charizard this early or will it be something completely different? Find out next time as the journey continues.

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