The pledging tree and a new companion

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It was now the next day after Ash's gym battle with Ramos.

The gang were now walking down the streets of Coumarine City and they see decorations being set up all around town. This is when Ramos appears.
Ramos:Hello everyone.
Kalos gang:Hello Ramos.
When Ramos came here Evergreen came out of her pokeball and ran to gogoat.
Y/n:Heh I guess Evergreen is excited to see Gogoat.
Ramos:I guess so.
Ramos them goes on to explain to the group how, every year, the people of Coumarine City hold a festival to celebrate the bonds between trainers and their Pokémon by having the Trainers gather under an enormous tree, the Pledging Tree, at sunset and give special presents to their Pokémon. This tradition began with a legend of a man and his pokemon traveling far and wide together before finally coming to stop at what would become Coumarine City, and planting a tree that eventually grew to become the Pledging Tree.
Ash:I want to do this too!
Serena/Y/n:Me too!
They blush at the fact that they both said this at the same time. The blonde twins then agree to this as the gang then make their way to the pokemon center.
Y/n:So what are you guys going to do for your presents.
Clement:I am going to build mine.
Bonnie:I am going to make a fun picture.
Ash:I am going to look for a present.
Serena:I don't have an idea of what to get.
Y/n:Me neither I was just going to go through the stores and look for a good present.
Serena(with a blush of red):Can I come with you?
Y/n:Yeah sure.
They then exit the pokemon center as Clement gets to building and Bonnie gets to drawing. Ash was about to leave before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the tomboyish mermaid, his girlfriend Misty.
He them hugs his orange haired girlfriend as pikachu nuzzled against her legs.
Ash:What are you doing here? I thought you were busy at the gym?
Misty:Well my sisters are now taking care of the gym so I can journey with you again.
He then proceeds to tell her about the festival and she also joins in. The kanto couple then go out to by gifts.
Meanwhile Y/n and Serena are out looking for presents. The entire time they are blushing at each other. They then enter a store where Y/n is the 1 millionth customer and is gifted a blue band and a year worth of free stuff.
Y/n:I don't think I need this. Serena do you want this?
Serena became red again.
Serena:Thanks Y/n.
With his free options he and Serena begin to look through the store and finally find items.

Serena gets sunglasses and a bow for Fennekin and pancham.

Y/n gets an eviolite necklace for Shuriken, a black fabric wristband, a silver bell necklace for Radio, an armoured bracelet for goku, a wooden bracelet for Evergreen and a gem necklace for Aegislash.

They then head back to pokemon center where they meet Misty. However the kanto gym leader is not happy to see how pretty Serena is and had an angry expression towards her boyfriend.

Misty:Ashton Ketchum can I talk you for a moment?!
She slightly yelled.
Ash turned pale at the fact that she called him Ashton. They then exit the pokemon center and after 5 minutes they come back in with Ash looking more pale. The kalos group just sweatdropped as they then make it to the Pledging Tree.

They then put their gifts under the tree and begin the festival but are then interrupted by Team rocket and their stupid motto

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They then put their gifts under the tree and begin the festival but are then interrupted by Team rocket and their stupid motto. They then capture the trainers and pokemon. Well apart from one, Evergreen. She then runs to her trainer but is sent away by inkay's psywave and pumpkaboo's seed bomb. She keeps trying and trying to save her trainer.
Y/n:Evergreen be careful!
Out of concern he yells to his pokemon. The Hoenn starter looks at her trainer with worry while also being angry at the fact she couldn't do anything. That was when she then begins to glow and change shape.

After the glow disappeared a grovyle disappeared and instead a sceptile stood where the middle stage evolution once stood.
Y/n:She evolved. You evolved into Sceptile!
He is overjoyed by his pokemon's evolution. So theoretically she gave him a gift as well.
Team rocket:Oh no!
Y/n:Use leaf blade!
Sceptile then proceeds to send the rocket dorks away. She then frees the trainers and pokemon as Y/n then runs to hug his newly evolved pokemon.
Y/n:You are so amazing you know that. I am so proud of you!
Sceptile then cheers with joy in her voice as the festival continues and the trainers give their pokemon their presents. Misty gave her pokemon Mystic water necklaces.Y/n then gave his pokemon gifts buy left Evergreen last.
Y/n:Evergreen I would've given this to you normally but because of your evolution I am also giving you this as a reward for your efforts. You are just so amazing.
He then gives his pokemon the wooden bracelet but in the middle is the sceptilite that Ramos gave them. Evergreen is overjoyed as she jumps on Y/n and the rest of his team join in the large group hug. After that the gang then go back to the pokemon center and sleep in the gender different rooms.

Misty:Serena I want to ask you something.
Serena:What is it Misty?
Misty:Do you like Y/n?
Serena is now flustered and then blushes as she begins to start to talk frantically.
Serena:What no- I mean maybe- I mean yeah but I doubt he likes me back.
Misty:I wouldn't be sure about that. I mean you won't know if you don't tell him.
Serena takes a second to think and then answers.
Serena:Okay I will tell him after my showcase.
They then fall asleep and the boys also have a similar conversation with Y/n who says he will confess his feelings after Serena's showcase.

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