Pokemon league part 1

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After months of hard training the group arrived back at Lumiose city to sign up for the Lumiose conference. The group awe at the stadium as they look around to see many people who they can't tell between the actual participants and the spectators.Malva is shown doing a live report outside of the stadium where the Kalos League will take place. Team Rocket, disguised as her camera crew, scheme to steal any rare Pokémon that might show up during the conference. Ash and friends arrive at the stadium, marveling at the sight. Malva overhears that Ash and Y/n will be competing in the Lumiose Conference and decides to interview them. She is more interested in interviewing Y/n since as a member of the elite four, the champion told her of hoe Olympia told her about a vision where Y/n would take her title.During the interview, Ash states why he is there: to be the very best, and to reach the apex of his pursuit of power, as a Pokémon Trainer. She then shifts the focus of the interview to Y/n.
Malva:Now, young man what are your ambitions for entering the Lumiose conference?
Y/n:Well I guess I wanted to make everyone in the ninja village, my home town, proud of my efforts and also to make my pokemon the best that they can be. But also.
He looks over at Serena who has a smile on her face.
Y/n:To make my girlfriend Serena proud of me as well.
Serena blushed at this as Malva's eyes widened.
Malva:Oh your girlfriend is Serena as in the new kalos queen. Well then. If you became champion people might call you the Kalos king and queen. I look forwards to that.
With that the interview concluded and the camera crew went on to interview other participants.
Serena:Babe, why did you mention me?
Y/n:Well I really have you to thank for my progress. Ever since I met you have been the fire that has made me go on to become the best.
Serena:Thank you Y/n.
She goes on her tippy toes and plants a warm kiss on Y/n's lips. The young ninja blushed as the group began to chuckle as they made their way towards the stadium.

However, a Trainer sporting a red mohawk who saw Ash and Y/n's interview gives a disrespectful sneer to Ash's optimism. Skeptical of his capabilities, he runs into Ash and demands a battle from him while calling out his Kabuki Trim Furfrou. Being carried away by his enthusiasm, Ash immediately accepts the challenge, but before he can call out a Pokémon to battle with, Misty grabs onto his arm and scolds him for being rash and reminds him that he might be too late to register for the Lumiose Conference if he chooses to battle. Clemont and Y/n excuse the Trainer as they take Ash away to registration, and the Trainer snarls, annoyed that he couldn't battle Ash.

Later that evening, Ash and Y/n see that Sawyer is also competing in the Lumiose Conference and has a pep talk with Tierno and Trevor, who are also competing. Y/n then notices Alain, who rudely walks away from Professor Sycamore after the latter walks up to him to say hi. The two trainers catches up to Alain and is surprised to see that he will also be competing in the Kalos League as well. After Alain leaves, the computer randomly matches up the 64 competing Trainers against each other, and Ash is surprised to see that Trevor will be facing Alain. Misty points out that Ash will be facing a Trainer named Titus, and Tierno and Sawyer find out who they will be facing in the first round. Serena then shows Y/n his first opponent.
Serena:You're opponent's name is Remo.
Y/n:Hmm I heard about him. Apparently he uses a powerful mega garchomp. Since it is a three on three battle I guess I will use Evergreen, Excalibur and Radio since they didn't get to battle against Wulfric in my gym battle.
Serena:No matter what I know that you will win.
Y/n:Thank you. I love you so much.
Serena:I love you too.
With that they all then head to the pokemon center and rest in their rooms with Y/n and Serena sharing a room while Ash and Misty do the same.

The next day, the grand ceremony is unfurled. The Kalos champion Diantha delivers an encouraging speech, and towards the end, fireworks are displayed. The matches commence accordingly, with the first battle being that of Alain and Trevor. The battlefield is set to a mountainous terrain with a waterfall and a river. In the end Trevor was no match for Alain and lost. After that battle Ash narrowly arrived to his battle and beat his opponent with his greninja. Now it was Y/n's battle against Remo.

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