Pokemon league part 4-Y/n vs Alain part 3-Mega finish

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Y/n and Alain's battle was nearing the climax with Y/n still having four pokemon while Alain was down to two. The current face off was Tyranitar vs Shonen.
Y/n(thought) :I have to think of a way to get rid of that sandstorm. Wait a minute I got it.
Y/n:Use water shurkien and throw it in the air.
Alain:Stone edge!
Alain(thought) :Is he trying to throw this battle? What is he thinking making the attack miss Tyranitar completely?
Shonen manifested solidified water shurkiens that fly through the air as the jagged stones of the incoming stone edge race across the battlefield. The frog ninja easily avoids the attack by running across the top of each pillar. Alain and Tyranitar gasped at this but they were even more shocked when they saw the purpose of the first attack. The water shurkiens soared through the air until they made contact with the sandstorm. Instead of the weather consuming the water based attack, the water shurkiens were carried along the winds. The speed at which they were carried forced the solicitation of water to break apart causing the water to spread out until the sandstorm was no more.
But this was the least of Alain's concerns. Because during this momentary lack of concentration Y/n ordered his pokemon to use double team causing multiple copies of the same pokemon to cover one half of the battlefield. Then in unison the copies all began to run towards Tyranitar.
Y/n:Water shurkien!
All 11 copies formed bladed water shurkien's in their hands and launched them towards the pseudo-legendary pokemon. On top of trying to figure out which was the real one Tyranitar is unable to avoid any of the bladed stars and so once the attack ended the rock type was left unable to battle.
Ref:Tyranitar is unable to battle! Greninja wins!
Alain returned his pokemon, thanking him for his hard work.
Announcer:And Alain is down to his last pokemon! Will it be the formidable Charizard or will he pull out a different pokemon?!
Alain:Charizard go!
He sent out his ace Charizard as a ball of Y/n's belt rattled crazily. The only pokemon to have not battled at all in this battle. He smiled and grabbed the ball before returning Shonen.
Y/n:Evergreen I choose you!
He sent out the grass starter as Charizard and Evergreen roared at each other, signifying the rivalry between the pair that sparked from their first battle which ended in a tie. The two trainers and pokemon all had the same idea as Alain and Y/n got their keystones out.
Alain/Y/n:Let's go!
They both tapped their keystones and began to chant simultaneously.
Alain:Keystone respond to my heart! Beyond evolution, Mega Evolve!
Y/n:You, who has the power to defy the laws of nature and holds the power of both dragons and nature.Lend me your heart and trust and together with our power and the help of our bond mega evolve!
As both trainers said this four streams of energy came out of both stones and went into the mega stones of the two dragonic like pokemon. The pair were then engulfed in a bright light before their forms changed.

Alain:Charizard use Flamethrower!Y/n:Just like before

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Alain:Charizard use Flamethrower!
Y/n:Just like before.Dragon pulse!
Charizard sends a blast of fire towards Evergreen who sends a dragonic blast of energy. The two moves collide as they cause a large explosion to emit in the middle of the battle field. Charizard's Flamethrower hits Evergreen as she is sent to the ground but the dragon pulse hits charizard who is just about able to get back up.
Alain:Use Flamethrower again!
Y/n:Evergreen don't move!
Evergreen nods as she remains still and the Flamethrower connects with big damage.
Alain:Use dragon claw!
A dragon claw shape is formed onto Charizard's hands as he slashes at Evergreen who is tanking each attack.
Y/n:Now use Endeavor!
Before Charizard could move out of the way he is hit by a red beam which makes him stagger back but he remains standing.
Alain:We learnt a few moves in anticipation of our next battle. Use aerial ace!
Alain's charizard (mostly so that I don't get confused) :
Aerial ace
Dragon claw
Blast burn

Charizard soar through the air towards Evergreen as Y/n is quick on the offensive.
Y/n:Iron tail!
The drill like tail detaches from Evergreen and spins towards Charizard. The attacks clash as Charizard is driven down to the ground. However, the lizard pokemon is unrelenting as he slides of the ground and lands a punch on Evergreen's stomach  displaying the fact that aerial ace is a move that can't miss.
Another beam of light covers Charizard and it is clear that both dragons are severely weakened.
Alain:Time to finish this! Blast burn!
Charizard's becomes engulfed in light blue flames. He then punches the ground, sending a wave of energy into the earth which then moves underneath the opponent. The energy then bursts upwards in a giant explosion of red-orange flames. Instead of ordering a Dodge Y/n simply nods as Evergreen stabs her tail into the ground. Once the smoke clears Evergreen is still standing but Charizard is stuck to his spot.
Y/n:Dragon pulse!
Evergreen launches a dragonic energy pulse which engulfed Charizard
This causes the dragon to collapse.
Ref:Charizard is unable to battle meaning Sceptile is the winner. That means Y/n is the winner!
Announcer:And that is it! The final match has been decided. Y/n vs Ash!

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