A Champion battle

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Olympia speaks with Diantha at the Anistar Gym about her vision of the future crisis of Kalos. When Diantha asks about "Those deep green eyes", Olympia shows her an image of Zygarde, which Diantha recognizes. However Olympia shows her something else.
Olympia:Champion I foresaw something else that I believe that you would like to see.
Diantha:What is it?
She shows her a vision of what looks like a hooded trainer and his mega Sceptile. The grass dragon type stood above her fallen mega Gardevoir as the announcer pronounced the trainer known as Y/n as the new Kalos champion.
Diantha:Oh my.
Olympia:Thats all I could see. Diantha:Thank you Olympia.
With that Diantha leaves. Elsewhere, Ash and his Greninja are stretching and battling together to get in sync, with Ash believing he could master the Ash-Greninja form if he "becomes" Greninja. He battles with Y/n and mega Evergreen. Ash and his Greninja are the same speed until Greninja starts jumping from branch to branch, with Ash mimicking Greninja, but he falls from a branch and Greninja helps him stand up. Serena, Misty, Clemont and Bonnie are waiting for Ash and Greninja on a glade, with Bonnie worried about Greninja's and Ash's delay, with Clemont finding the idea to "become a Pokémon" absurd, and Misty wanting Ash to not overdo with that idea. Greninja and Y/n came back with Ash following them back very tired. That was when a helicopter flew down and landed infront of the group. That was when Diantha came out. Diantha greets the group and admits that she is there to find them after she listened to Olympia's prophecy. Team Rocket is nearby, observing them. Diantha speaks about the Kalos Crisis and she shows an image of an island attacked by Team Flare's weapon. She mentions that there are other places in Kalos that have been disturbed as well, fearing this is the beginning of the Kalos crisis, which leads them to believe Zygarde will play a key role. She shows an image of Zygarde to the group and starts to explain its role. Team Rocket recognizes Zygarde as the Pokémon that Team Flare kidnapped.

Diantha greets Ash and his friends and admits that she is there to find them after she listened to Olympia's prophecy. Team rocks nearby, observing them. Diantha speaks about the Kalos Crisis and she shows an image of an island attacked by Team Flare's weapon. She mentions that there are other places in Kalos that have been disturbed as well, fearing this is the beginning of the Kalos crisis, which leads them to believe Zygarde will play a key role. She shows an image of Zygarde to the group and starts to explain its role. Team Rocket recognizes Zygarde as the Pokémon that Team Flare kidnapped. Diantha asks Ash to show Greninja to her in a battle against her Gardevoir. Team Rocket start planning to steal Diantha's Gardevoir when it Mega Evolves. Diantha's notes the Battle Pulse Meter and asks about it, so Clemont explains how it works.

Diantha:Use moon blast!
Y/n:Take it!
Gardevoir gathers energy from the moon. She then forms an orb of pink energy in front of her hands, and fires it at her opponent. The ball is twice the size it was before as it collided with the dragon causing a huge explosion to form.
Diantha:Looks like this battle is over.
Y/n:I don't think so.
The dust cloud covering the entire battle dispersed as Evergreen stood there still in her mega evolved state. However she still feel to her knees and growled at Gardevoir.
Y/n:Now use endeavor!
Evergreen musters up the strength to send a red beam that engulfed Gardevoir and forced the elegant fairy to her knees. Diantha had impressed look in her face as she instantly called for her next attack.
Diantha:Use shadow ball!
Y/n:Let's try out our new move. Use it in tail!
(Moveset:Leaf blade, Dragon pulse, Endeavor and iron tail)
Gardevoir puts her hands together and forms a black and purple ball in between them. She then fires the ball at Evergreen. The grass type's tail then glowed silver as it detached itself from  Evergreen leaving lots of people confused.
Bonnie:How did her tail come off!!
Clemont:I've read about this. Mega Sceptile had the ability to detach their tails from their bodies.
The attacks missed each other and hit their respective targets. Evergreen was the first on to falter but Gardevoir later followed leading to the battle tk finish in a draw. With that Diantha bids the group farewell. The group then continue their way right Snow Belle.

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