Y/n vs Alain-a match of dragons

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The gang stop at a pokemon center as they meet up with sawyer once more. He asks Ash for another battle as the two boys head to the battlefield to battle.
Ash:Hawlucha I choose you!
Sawyer:Sheldon let's go!
Hawlucha and Shelgon charge with a dragon claw and high jump kick. After a series of attacks Hawlucha quickly takes Shelgon out with a Flying Press. Sawyer then sends out his newly obtained Honedge. After Ash scans it with his Pokédex, he sends Pikachu to battle it. After Honedge attacks with Fury Cutter, Pikachu counters with Iron Tail and takes Honedge out with Thunderbolt. Down to his last Pokémon, Sawyer sends out his Sceptile, revealing his Grovyle had evolved. Evergreen comes out of her pokeball as she looks at Sceptile happy. Sceptile looks at her with a happy smirk.sends out his Greninja, revealing that to Sawyer his Frogadier had also evolved. After Serena scans Sceptile with her Pokédex, the third and final battle begins. Sceptile starts off with Bullet Seed, which is intercepted with Greninja's Water Shuriken. Sceptile quickly gets the advantage after it avoids Cut and counters Aerial Ace with Leaf Blade, creating an impact that catches the attention of Alain after he is alerted a Pokémon with Mega Evolution potential is in the area. Sawyer commands Sceptile to use Dragon Pulse, which successfully connects after Greninja dodges it the first time and then orders Leaf Storm, dealing a lot of damage to Greninja as it is trapped in a cyclone as Ash is forced to watch just as Alain arrives. Sawyer orders Sceptile to slam Greninja onto the ground, but Ash shouts to Greninja, who then transforms into its Ash-Greninja form, much to Sawyer and Alain's surprise, as Alain looks at his Mega Ring, which doesn't react to Greninja's transformation. However what he notices is that it is reacting yo Evergreen's Sceptileite and he decided that he wants to battle her with charizard.Ash quickly orders Aerial Ace, which knocks out Sceptile in one hit, slamming it into the wall. Greninja reverts back to normal and Ash and Greninja both fall to the ground exhausted as Ash says it was a good battle. Sawyer, although disappointed that he is still unable to defeat Ash, notes that he has gained a lot of experience. Turning to Ash, he asks about Greninja's transformation, which Ash replies that he has no idea what it even is, but that things flash before him when it happens. Sawyer replies that he understands, but then immediately shouts that he doesn't. As Sawyer yells, Alain stares at Ash and Greninja in awe, his lip quivering in shock.

The gang and Sawyer enter the pokemon center to heal Ash and Sawyer's pokemon as Alain goes into the pokemon.

They all turn to see Alain.
Ash:Hi who are you?
Alain:My name is Alain and I wanted to ask who the trainer of the Sceptile with the Mega stone was.
Y/n:You mean Evergreen. Well I am her trainer.
Alain:I wanted to have a battle with you.
Y/n:Sure let's go.
The two of them head to the battlefield as they send out their pokemon.
Y/n:Evergreen let's go!
He sends out his Sceptile as Alaim gets his pokeball out.
Alain:Charizard I choose you!
He sends out his Charizard as Serena gets her pokedex.
Pokedex:Charizard the flame lizard pokemon. A fire and flying type.When expelling a blast of superhot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely.
Serena:Y/n is at a type disadvantage. But I am sure he can win.
Misty:Of course he can.
Alain:We'll start charizard use Flamethrower!
Y/n:Dragon pulse!
Charizard sends a blast of fire towards Evergreen who sends a dragonic blast of energy. The two moves collide as they cause a large explosion to emit in the middle of the battle field. Charizard's Flamethrower hits Evergreen as she is sent to the ground but the dragon pulse hits charizard who is just about able to get back up.
Alain:Use Flamethrower again!
Y/n:Evergreen don't move!
Evergreen nods as she remains still and the Flamethrower connects with big damage. Sawyer is very confused about why he let Evergreen take super effective damage.
Sawyer:Why would he let her take super effective damage?
Serena:He has a special move to use.
Sawyer:What could that be?
Alain:Use dragon claw!
A dragon claw shape is formed onto Charizard's hands as he slashes at Evergreen who is tanking each attack.
Y/n:Now use Endeavor!
Before Charizard could move out of the way he is hit by a red beam which make him fall to his knees.
Alain:Time to get serious!
He touches his Mega Ring as Y/n gets the same idea and touches his Mega Shuriken.
Alain:Keystone respond to my heart. Beyond evolution mega evolve!
Y/n:You, who has the power to defy the laws of nature and holds the power of both dragons and nature.Lend me your heart and trust and together with our power and the help of our bond mega evolve!
The two pokemon begin to mega evolve as their battle gets going with both pokemon very tired.
Y/n/Alain:Dragon pulse/Dragon claw!
The two pokemon send their dragon type moves against each other as Charizard begins to cut through the dragon pulse, taking damage and clashes with Evergreen. Evergreen falls but Charizard falls a second after. The two trainers returned their pokemon and promised they would battle again. Alain also asked Ash to battle and they decided to battle.

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