Pokemon league part 5-Y/n vs Ash part 1

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It now the day of the Kalos League final round. Y/n has prepared his team extensively for this moment, making sure his team had the right moves for Ash.
Fake out
Knock off
Brick break

Leaf blade
Dragon pulse
Iron tail

Flare blitz
Slack off
Thunder punch
Close combat

Water shuriken
Night slash
Ice beam
Double team

Dragon pulse
Boom burst

Swords dance
Sacred sword
Shadow sneak
Kings shield

Before the match Sanpei arrived at the stadium.
Sanpei:Hi there little bro.
Y/n:Sanpei, you made it.
Sanpei:Of course I did. I couldn't just miss your final match in the Kalos league.
Y/n:Thanks for coming.
Sanpei:Anytime. Also I brought something for your team, specifically Shonen.
Y/n:What is it?
Sanpei gave him a small slip of paper.
Y/n:Is this a-
Sanpei:Yes it is an ability patch. With it you can grant Shonen the hidden ability protean.
Y/n let out Shonen and informed him of the opportunity Sanpei was giving him. Without hesitation he placed it on his forehead as it glowed, losing its color as Shonen's ability changed. They were now ready.

It was now time for the finals of the league as Ash and Y/N were now at opposite ends of the battlefield.
Ref:This will be a six on six battle with substitutions allowed.May both trainers please send out their first pokemon
Ash/Y/N:Go Pikachu/Excalibur!
The two pokemon entered the battle field as the battle began.
Ash:Iron tail!
Y/n:Use swords dance!
The steel type attack deflected off Excalibur's shield as the ghost type used the opportunity to increase his attack stat.
Ash:Use thunder bolt!
Pikachu's cheeks began to spark as a bolt of lightning came out of the rodent and shocked Excalibur.
Y/n:Sacred sword!
Excalibur goes from Shield Form to Blade Form and spins clockwise as he changed form and then his sword glows light blue. The sword then grows a bit bigger and turns blue and then Excalibur slashes Pikachu with the attack sending the electric type flying back.
Ash:Pikachu return.
Pikachu waddled back to Ash's side as he threw another ball out.
Ash:Go Goodra!
Y/n:Sacred sword!
Once again the steel type flies towards Goodra with a glowing sword.
Ash:Dragon pulse!
A blue drake made from purple energy erupts from Goodra's mouth as the two attacks collide in mid air. Through the smoke Excalibur stabs Goodra as the slimy dragon tanks the attack.
Y/n:Shadow sneak!
Ash:Grab him then use dragon pulse!
Excalibur is covered in shadows as he strikes Goodra but before the attack can make contact Excalibur's sword is grabbed by the large tendrils of Goodra before he is blasted by dragon pulse.
He recalled Excalibur to his ball and sent out another.
Y/n:Shonen go!
His greninja came out of the ball striking a ninja stance.
Y/n:Double team!
Before the attack even started Shonon's tounge scarf glowed white as multiple copies of himself scattered across the arena.
Ash:Ice beam!
A beam of blue energy surges across the arena, freezing Y/n's side as each copy if Shonen was destroyed until the real one was above them.
Y/n:Ice beam!
Again his tounge changed color but this time to a light blue in contrast to his dark blue skin as a frozen energy beam comes raining down on him.
Serena:What is with the constant change to Shonen's scarf?
Sanpei:It's called Protean.
The group are surprised to see their ninja friend as he appeared out of nowhere in the empty seat next to them.
Serena:What's Protean?
Sanpei:It's the hidden ability of Greninja. When Shonen uses a move he changes to the type of that move.
Misty:So he is an ice type?
Misty:But before he had torrent?
Sanpei:I gave them a ability patch as a gift that I wasn't able to mail to them.
The group understood as the battle continued. The ice beam from Goodra contacted with Shonen but the frog brushed off the attack as he sent his own copy of the move that caused Goodra to cry out in pain.
Ash:Use dragon pulse!
Y/n:Double team!
The dragon type belt out a giant energy drake that soared through the battlefield only to be avoided entirely as it passes through one of the many copies made from Shonen as they all ran towards Goodra with their scarves glowing white.
Ash:Ice beam!
Y/n:Counter with water shuriken then ice beam!
A minority of the clones send water droplets that they compress into stars to clash with the ice beam as it freezes entirely and shatters as majority of the clones have their scarves glow a light blue before their freezing beams mix into a giant burst of ice power that engulfed Goodra, leaving a trail of cold mist that obscures the vision of everybody. Once the mist clears Goodra is still standing but now he has a red aura around time.
Y/n:Oh no.
Ash:Oh yes. Use bide!
Suddenly, Goodra roars loudly as a white blast of energy shoots from his mouth and took up half of the battlefield as a large explosion took out all the clones and consumed Shonen in it leaving a large amount of smoke in its place as Goodra takes a knee. Once the smoke clears Shonen is shown to be unconscious in a giant crater.
Ref:Greninja is unable to battle. Y/n send out your next pokemon.
Announcer:And Ash takes the first win!
Serena:This is a change compared to their earlier battles.
Sanpei:How so?
Clemont:Normally, Y/n takes the lead but now Ash has done so.
Misty:Just shows how much he has changed.
Y/n:Let's go Excalibur!
He sends out  Excalibur once again as Ash attempts to return Goodra only for the slimy dragon to avoid the beam.
Ash:You want to continue?
Goodra nods his head as Ash agrees to let him stay.
Y/n:Swords dance and then sacred sword!
Ash:Ice beam!
Excalibur allows holographic swords to spin around him as Goodra musters the last embers of his remaining strength to send a powerful ice beam that incases Excalibur in a block of ice. However, that proved futile as Excalibur easily breaks through and in a matter of seconds collides with Goodra's stomach and with the majority of his bulk being wasted tanking Shonen's attacks he is unable to withstand the attack and falls backwards crashing to the ground.
Ref:Goodra is unable to battle. Ash send out your next pokemon.
Ash smiles as this was the kind of battle he wanted with his friend as he grips his next pokemon.
He throws it as the next pokemon comes out.

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