Confession at Lumiose tower

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It was now the next day after Y/n's battle with Clemont. However today was going to be a special day as it was today when Y/n would confess his feelings to Serena. He talked about his plans with Clemont, Ash,Misty and Bonnie and they helped him figure out a plan for him to confess. Clemont and Bonnie give him a list of places to go to with Serena.

Clemont:Well me and Bonnie will say we have to go a battle at the gym.

Misty:And me and Ash will just go shopping.

Ash(under his breathe but Misty heard it):Dammit!

Misty:What was that Ash?

Ash:Nothing Babe

Y/n:Thanks for the help guys

Later on in the morning

Serena:So where are we going now?
Clemont:Well actually I have another challenger at the gym so I have to leave.
Bonnie:Something happened with Clembot so I have to referee his match.
Ash:Misty wanted to go shopping.
He was pale again.
Misty:Yeah so we have to go tomorrow.
They then left leaving Y/n and Serena all alone.
Serena:So what do we do now?
Y/n:We could just have a look around Lumiose city.
She then has a cute smile which made the Ninja blush. They then begin to look around town. They go all around looking at tourist attractions, going through the shopping mall and go to the different eating places that Clemont and Bonnie listed. It was now night time and they were now heading back to the pokemom center.

Serena:I had a great time with you Y/n.
Y/n:Me too but actually could you come with me to lumiose tower. I just realised I lost something there.
Serena:Oh sure. Let's go.
The pair then head to lumiose tower and then make it onto the top of the tower where Clemont said was the most romantic place in the city especially at night.

The pair then head to lumiose tower and then make it onto the top of the tower where Clemont said was the most romantic place in the city  especially at night

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Serena:So what are we looking for?
Y/n:Oh yeah about that. I didn't lose anything.
Serena was surprised.
Serena:Wha, then why are we up here.
Y/n:Cause I wanted to tell you something I wanted to say since we met.
Serena:What is it Y/n?
Y/n:Well Serena ever since we met I always thought that you were amazing. You are also kind, caring and beautiful. Amd I just know that when I see you or hear your voice I always know that my day will only get better and better. You are an amazing person and what I wanted to say is would you please be my girlfriend?
Serena stood there astonished with tears rolling down her face from her ocean blue eyes. She knee that she had a crush on him and that her heart belonged to him only. She quickly wiped her eyes and looked at Y/n.
Serena:Yes Y/n I will be your girlfriend.
The two kalos residents then share a heartfelt kiss under the moon which shone its everlasting light upon them. They then go to the pokemon center and tell the gang about them becoming a couple. They then fall asleep in the same room together with crimson red faces.

 A tale of love(Serena x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now