Meeting her

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Y/n was now training in a mountain top with his pokemon, specifically his Greninja and Noibat for his lumiose city gym battle, as they go on to investigate. They then see two trainers with blue frog pokemon, one of which is his brother Sanpei. He is now watching them battle a barbarracle as the smaller frog falls into a couple of rocks. It then begins to glow.

There stands a frogadier. Y/n is excited from watching the battle and sends out his Greninja Shonen.
Y/n:Water Shuriken!
Shonen then sends a water star to rock and water type. Everyone looks back to see Y/n and his Greninja.
Sanpei:Y/n what are you doing here!?
Y/n:I was training here but I heard battling so I came here and I wanted to battle.
Sanpei:Well thanks for the assist but let us handle this.
They then continued the battle and then defeated Barbarracle. After the battle the Ninja they were battling disappeared and the three trainers then go to the safe house the Ninja tells them to go to. The trainers know this could be a trap but they go anyway. They them see three other people.
Ash:Clement, Bonnie and Serena!
The gang:How was the battle.
Ash:Well we won oh and look at this.
He then showed his friends frogadier.
Bonnie:Oh it evolved and I missed it. I know! You can turn back into frokie and I can see it again.
Clement:That isn't how that works Bonnie.
The two older trainers then look at Y/n,Shuriken and Shonen.
Clement:Who are you?
Y/n:My name is Y/n and these are my pokemon Shuriken the aipom and Shonen the Greninja. I am Sanpei's little brother.
Clement:Oh my name is Clement and this is my little sister Bonnie.
However when Clement turned around he saw Bonnie gone and she was now nuzzling against Shuriken.
Bonnie:You are so cute!
He them activates his Aipom bag which fascinated Shuriken and drags her away.
Serena:My name is Serena.
When Y/n looked at Serena he began to blush at her beauty and thought she looked gorgeous. The same could be said about Serena.

Ash noticed this and remembered what is was like when he first met misty

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Ash noticed this and remembered what is was like when he first met misty. Ge then smirks at this and so did Bonnie. Just then a certain Ninja appeared.

Ninja brothers:Saizo!They them run to the Ninja who then told them about the scroll

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Ninja brothers:Saizo!
They them run to the Ninja who then told them about the scroll.
A little while later Sanpei and Saizo then leave as Y/n was about to leave before turning around and asking a question.
Y/n:Actually if it wouldn't be a problem could travelled with you guys.
The kalos gang didn't need much time to reply.
Kalos gang:Welcome aboard!
The gang then journey on their way to coumarine City. Y/n was very happy at this.

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