Y/n vs Olympia

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(So before anyone says yes I forgot that Ash battled Olympia before they get to the Ninja village so now I have to make this chapter)
After Y/n's gym battle against Valerie they head to Anistar City for the two trainers to battle Olympia. After Ash's battle Y/n is going to battle Olympia.
Olympia:This will be a 2 on 2 double battle. Please choose your two pokemon.
Y/n:OK. Shuriken and Radio! I choose you!
He sends out his Aipom and his noibat which surprised everyone.
Misty:Why would he want to choose Noibat. He doesn't have alot of experience yet.
Serena:Noibat has been training alot with Eevee lately and has learnt alot of new attacks. He has also gotten alot stronger as of recently so I think Y/n wants to test that new strength.
Olympia:Meowstic battle alongside me.
She sends out her two Meowstics as the battle begins.
Olympia:Use futer sight and psyshock.
Y/n:Use swift and acrobatics!
The female meowstic sends balls into the air as they all rip into space and go into them. The male meowstic summons balls of psychic energy which rush towards Shurkien and Radio. Shuriken sends stars which connect with each Psyshock and cancels out the attack as Radio uses the attack as a cloak to hide behind as he rushes in with an Acrobatics attack sending Meowstic away.
Olympia:Use thunder wave on Noibat and light screen.
Y/n:Use bite and Aerial ace!
The male meowstic puts up a large barrier which instantly disappeared as the female sends a wave of electricity towards Radio. The small bat is unfortunately hit by the attack and is now paralysed but he is able to land a bite attack onto Meowstic from close range as Shuriken glides through the air and slams into the male Meowstic.
Y/n:Now use shadow claw and bite!
Without much ways to defend himself the male Meowstic is hit by a Shuriken's hand after it is engulfed by the ghostly energy. Shuriken uses the momentum of the attack to bash Meowstic over to Radio as the small bat clamps his teeth onto Meowstic knocking him out because of a lucky critical hit at the perfect moment.
Ref:Male Meowstic is unable to battle.
After they knock out the male counterpart the orbs from the female's first attack appeared once again and rush towards Radio.
Y/n:Radio dodge!
Unfortunately Radio is fully paralysed and can't move in time. To save his younger brother, Shuriken pushes Radio out of the way of the attack amd takes the attack full on.
Olympia:Use Dark pulse!
Before Shuriken could avoid the attack Meowstic sends a beam of darkness at him which unfortunately is a critical hit.Radio overcomes the paralysis and looks to see his older brother falling from the air. In rage he cries out and begins to glow bright blue as he rushes in with extreme speeds.
Y/n:What's happening?
Radio seems to be growing bigger and bigger as he catches Shurikenin the air.

Y/n:Radio! You evolved.
Pokedex:Noivern the sound wave pokemon.They fly around on moonless nights and attack careless prey. Nothing can beat them in a battle in the dark.
Shuriken looks to see his younger brother has now evolved.
Y/n:Lest finish this. Shuriken Use swift and Radii lest Use your new move. Dragon pulse!
The two attacks combine and it seems that Loght screen wasn't enough to half the damage as Meowstic faints as Y/n earns his psychic badge.

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