Pokemon league part 7-Y/n vs Ash part 3

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Y/n:Evergreen go!
Y/n sends out his grass type starter as the crowd is confused that he would put himself at a type disadvantage.
Ash:Use supersonic!
Y/n:Dragon pulse!
Noivern sent the high pitched sound waves over yo Evergreen but she perfectly avoids the attack and sends the pink energy drake towards Noivern. The sound pokemon doesn't even have time to avoid the attack as he is completely consumed by it. Noivern then falls down and crashes to the ground.
Y/n:Use leaf blade!
Noivern glowed blue as if he was about to attack but Evergreen was already on top of him and knocked out the dragon with a neck chop.
Ref:Noivern is unable to battle. Ash send out your next pokemon.
Ash was now down to Pikachu, Hawlucha and Greninja while Y/n had Evergreen, Excalibur, Goku and Shuriken.
Ash:Hawlucha I choose you!
Y/n:Evergreen return!
Hawlucha came into the field as Evergreen was recalled to her ball.
Y/n:Goku let's go!
Goku was on the field as the two fighting types stared each other down.
Ash:Karate chop!
Y/n:Counter with thunder punch!
Hawlucha darted to Goku with his fist glowing as the monkey counter with his own fist that was covered in crackling electricity. The two moves collide as both pokemon are sent back with the electric type attack doing major damage to Hawlucha and Goku taken lots from karate chop.
Ash:Use high jump kick!
Hawlucha's knee glowed as he lunged towards the fire type. Goku braced for the attack as the bird collided with the monkey. Goku felt the force of the attack and grunted before tossing him away.
Y/n:Thunder punch!
Ash:High jump kick again!
Hawlucha used the rocks of the battlefield to leap around the battlefield before executing his high jump kick. You rubbed his fists together as lightning formed in both hands. He then lunged towards Hawlucha and the attacks collided. Once again they were both blown away and they were both tired.
Y/n/Ash:Use Flare blitz/Flying press!
Goku then became a rolling flame as Hawlucha jumped in the air before falling down. The attacks collided and the stadium is rocked a little because of the exchange. Once the smoked cleared Goku was shown to have taken too much damage and was taken out.
Ref:Infernape is unable to battle. Y/n send out your next pokemon.
Y/n:Shuriken let's go!
His partner finally appeared on the battlefield. Hawlucha had the type advantage but he was worn out from his battle against his fellow fighting type.
Y/n:Fake out!
Before Hawlucha had a chance to move Shuriken's tail sent him flying.
Y/n:Use swift!
Ash:Karate chop!
Shuriken's swift attack was destroyed by the multiple slashes from Hawlucha.
Ash:High jump kick!
The lucha libre leaped at Shuriken in order to crush him with high jump kick.
Y/n:Use knock off on the ground!
Shuriken smashed the ground which caused rocks to fly at Hawlucha. This caused him to fly off course and smash into the ground directly behind Shuriken. The recoil from the failed High jump kick diminished the last of Hawlucha's strength and he was taken down.
Ref:Hawlucha is unable to battle. Ash send out your next pokemon.
Ash:Pikachu I choose you!
Pikachu runs into the battlefield ready for battle.
Ash:Quick attack!
Pikachu sped towards his opponent who could only brace for the attack. The attack landed with full force but Y/n expected this.
Y/n:Use brick break!
Shuriken launcher Pikachu into the air with the fighting type attack.
Ash:Thunder bolt!
The attacks clash to cause a yellow flash to rush through the battlefield. The audience have to cover their eyes as the flash is blinding.
Y/n:Knock off!
Ash:Iron tail!
The tail based attacks clash with each other to cause a shock wave. The repeat the clash numerous times as if they were swords and not pokemon. Eventually Shuriken managed to wrap Pikachu with his tail and slams the electric type to the ground.
Y/n:Keep up the knock offs!
Shuriken begins to assault Pikachu with knock off attacks. Pikachu tries to counter with iron tails but fails. It seems like Pikachu is about to faint but near the end Pikachu's electrical power is released. And the legendary power of Pikachu is released with the entire stadium being overflowed by electricity. When the attack subsides Pikachu is down but so is Shuriken.
Ref:Both pokemon are unable to battle. Ash send out your last pokemon and Y/n out your next pokemon.

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