The master class

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We see out group in Gloire city which is where Serena will take on the master class. Y/n looks towards his girlfriend to see that she is visibly nervous.
Y/n:Hey Serena are you okay?
Serena:Yeah. It's just that this is a big deal for me. Me and my pokemon have worked really hard for this day. But I have so many thoughts rushing through my head. What if I fail and lose miserably? What if I fail to become kalos queen. All of the work me and pokemon put in would be wasted and-
She gets cut off by her boyfriend kissing her cheek.
Y/n:Hey calm down. You'll do fine.
Serena blushed faintly as she smiles.
Serena:Thank you Y/n.
While they walk over to the pokemon center Serena gazes at the castle where the kalos queen would be crowned. On her way there she is soon joined by her rivals Shauna, Miette, and Nini, who have each collected three Princess Keys and are ready to perform as well. Nearby, Jessie is already disguised as Jessilee and claiming that she will be the one to win the Master Class.

At the pokemon center
Serena is currently on a call with her mother Grace.
Grace:Hi serena. Tomorrow you are going to perform in the master class right?
Serena:Yeah I am.
Grace:Well I am going to be there to cheer you on.
Grace:Yeah I am. Are you ok?
Serena:Yeah I am. I am just very nervous.
Grace:Well that is perfectly normal. Heck in fact I got nervous every time I had a race. Serena remembers how she initially set off on her journey only because she did not want to be a Rhyhorn racer, but since then she has met many wonderful friends and Pokémon who have supported her all the way through, and this inspires her to give it her all and go for broke when the Master Class begins.

The next day Serena and her rivals are in the dressing room making final preparations. Serena then gets her pokeballs out and sends out her Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon.
Serena:Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon. I want to say thank you for all of your hard work. Without you guys I wouldn't be here. So thank you.
Her pokemom begin to yelp happily as Serena directs her attention to Braixen.
Her starter looks back at her.
Serena:Shonen will be watching alongside Y/n.
Braixen is shocked and she also blushed a tiny bit.
Serena:So let's do out best to impress them both.
Braixen gives a determined yelp as Monsieur Pierre takes the stage to welcome the audience and announce the start of the Master Class. We can see that Y/n has sent out Shonen and the water type has taken his seat next to his trainer who has Shuriken on his lap. He asks everyone to turn their attention to a part of the stage where several booths appear. Inside each booth is a Performer, who has to use three Princess Keys to open the door and access the stage. As Serena unlocks the door, she is reminded of several moments of her journey.
Serena looks up with determination.
Serena:I will become the Kalos Queen.
All 27 Performers are lined up on stage as people across the Kalos region watch the competition on television. Pierre then introduces Palermo saying that she has agreed to take on the role of special judge. Palermo says she is looking forward to seeing many wonderful performances and wishes good luck to the contestants.

After that, Pierre introduces the current Kalos Queen Aria as she enters the stage together with her Delphox. She walks down a long staircase and heads to the center of the stage, where she greets her fans and the Performers competing for her title. Following Aria's speech, Monsieur Pierre starts explaining the rules, informing that the Master Class consists of Freestyle Performances only. Ash is surprised by the lack of Theme Performances and Clemont concludes that these rounds are intended to show off the strong bond between Performers and their Pokémon, and since Performers have come this far, it must be assumed that they are beyond these early stages. Pierre continues explaining the tournament format, saying that Performers must perform with a single Pokémon in the first and second rounds, while the semifinals will feature Performers using two of their Pokémon. The winner of the semifinals will challenge Aria and, if successful, receive the prestigious title of Kalos Queen as well as a tiara.

 A tale of love(Serena x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now