Pokemon league part 8-Y/n vs Ash part 4-The calm before the Storm

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(Sorry it's been while since this story was updated)
Ash:Greninja I choose you!
Y/n:Let's go Excalibur!
Ash:Greninja, you the last pokemon I have. Let's go full power, now!
Ash and Greninja shout in unison as a torrent of water envelops Greninja.

Announcer:And Ash reveals the special Greninja form as a last defense against Y/n.
Ash:Double team!
Greninja splits into multiple copies of himself  as Excalibur stand on edge.
Y/n:Find the real one, shadow sneak!
Excalibur rushes through the Greninja clones as it is incased in a spectral Aura.
Ash:Greninja dodge the attack!
Excalibur is about to strike one of the many Greninja's as he leaps above the steel type.
Ash:Water shuriken!
Greninja sends fourth a flurry of water stars that strike the sword and shield pokemon.
Ash:Aerial ace!
Y/n:King shield!
Greninja darts towards Excalibur in a blur like motion as Excalibur enters his defense form and his shield glowed. However Greninja goes behind as the glow fades before the strikes Excalibur.
Y/n:So you noticed Excalibur's weakness?
Ash:Yes, king shield is only active for a short period of time. Greninja just had to wait until it faded to attack.
Y/n:Hahaha! Ash you really are the best rival I could have asked for!
Ash:Same here Y/n!
Over in the crowd Misty and Serena smile as they see that their boyfriends are having as much fun as a couple of children playing in a park.
Y/n:Now swords dance!
Four holographic swords are summoned around Excalibur as they spin around it to boost its attack. Ash is about to call out an attack but Greninja looks over to him as they have an understanding.
Ash:Alright Greninja, use your new move. Night slash!
Greninja summoned a white blade that looks like he is using cut before the normal type move is covered by an umbral energy.
Y/n:I won't let you, shadow sneak!
Excalibur and Greninja charge towards each other as Shadow sneak and Night Slash clash. However not even the boosted attack of Excalibur could overwhelm Ash-Greninja as the night slash sends Excalibur flying towards Y/n.
Y/n:You alright?
Y/n:Then use sacred sword!
Ash:Night slash!
The sword like attack both connect with their targets as both pokemon stand for a moment before Excalibur clatters to the ground unconscious.
Ref:Aegislash is unable to battle. Y/n send out your last pokemon.
Y/n recalls his pokemon as he looks at the pokeball that holds his final pokemon.
Y/n:Your my last pokemon. The fate of this battle is with you but I know you can do it. Go Evergreen!
He sends out Evergreen as she stares down Greninja before looking up at the monitor that showed that she was indeed Y/n's last pokemon. She looked back at her trainer who smiled at her.
Y/n:Let's do this Evergreen!
He then grabs his Shuriken with the keystone and begins to spin it and he begins to chant.
Y/n:You, who has the power to defy the laws of nature and holds the power of both dragons and nature.Lend me your heart and trust and together with our power and the help of our bond mega evolve!
As he says this four streams of yellow light go towards Evergreen's wooden bracelet. She then begins to change shape in accordance to this. On the battlefield now stand Mega Sceptile vs Ash-Greninja.

Announcer:We now enter the finale of the Kalos pokemon league! Ash/Y/n:Night slash/Leaf blade! The two dart into green and blue blurs as the only sound other then the roaring crowd is the sound of blades clashing to make a metallic cling

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Announcer:We now enter the finale of the Kalos pokemon league!
Ash/Y/n:Night slash/Leaf blade!
The two dart into green and blue blurs as the only sound other then the roaring crowd is the sound of blades clashing to make a metallic cling. When the blurs stop Greninja and Evergreen are back to their positions.
Ash:Double team!
Y/n:Iron tail!
Evergreen detached her tail as it soars through each clone until it strikes Greninja.
Ash:Water shuriken!
Greninja sends water stars that strike Evergreen but they do minimal damage.
Ash:Aerial ace!
As soon as his command is out of his mouth Greninja is already in front of Evergreen. The Hoenn starter doesn't even need Y/n to give a command before she counters the aerial aces with her leaf blade.
Bonnie:This is getting so intense!
Clemont:You're right. Both seem pretty equal at the moment.
Ash:Water shuriken!
Greninja forms a single large star.
Y/n:Dragon pulse!
Evergreen forms a large purple dragon from her mouth. The moves collide which cause a giant explosion in the center of the battlefield that blow them both away. Ash and Y/n don't even give the audience a chance to contemplate this clash before they give their next orders.
Ash:Aerial ace!
Y/n:Iron tail!
The drill like tail of Evergreen clashes with  aerial ace as the steel type attack slices Greninja's leg  as the frog grunts before he dives down and kicks Evergreen with the flying type attack.
Ash:Now night slash!
Y/n:Hold for a moment then use leaf blade!
Greninja slashes at Evergreen with night slash as the grass type crosses her arms to guard against it. She is then pushed back quite a bit before she uses a powerful Leaf blade in an x like motion that blows Greninja away.
Serena:They are so even.
Misty:There is no telling who can win this.
Sanpei:Yes. Both pokemon are extremely powerful. But still...
Ash:Aerial ace!
Y/n:Leaf blade!
In a quick motion Greninja kicks and punches Evergreen as the grass type just takes the hits. In return she strikes Greninja with powerful attacks of her own. After this exchange Evergreen is on her knees panting hard as Ash capitalizes on this.
Ash:Night slash!
Greninja dives in to slash at Evergreen as Y/n smirks.
Y/n:Come on Ash, you have to know what happens now.
Ash's eyes widen as he realises his mistake.
Ash:Greninja get away!
Y/n:Use endeavor!
Before Greninja could evade a red light covers him as he skids on the ground, feeling the full damage that Evergreen has taken.
Y/n:And now-
Ash:We are reaching the climax!
Ash/Y/n:Use water shuriken/Leaf blade!
Greninja and Evergreen muster all of their power to execute this last attack. The both leap high into the air. Greninja raises his arm into the air as he summons a water shuriken but it then collects all the water from his earlier uses of the same moved expanding in size and turning from the aquatic gold to a Royal golden color. In contrast Evergreen's blades extended long and go from the mossy green into a shiny silver that resembles an actual sword. The moves then clash as a massive shockwave rocks the stadium as the moved cause an explosion mid air. Both pokemon the  crash to the ground, both limp and not moving. Their trainers plead for them to rise up and for a second it seems like they are both unable to battle. That was until Greninja glowed blue as his form evaporated to reveal his original form. Meanwhile, Evergreen rises back up and faces the crowd.
Ref:Greninja is unable to battle, Sceptile wins! As such the winner of the battle and winner of the Lumiose conference is Y/n!
spot in the stands and ran towards Y/n.
The crowd got into an uproar as Ash and Y/N did a handshake of sportsmanship.While they were about to exit, Serena ran to Y/N and hugged him with a bone breaking hug.
Serena:You were so amazing Y/N.
The crowd then awwed in unison as both Y/N and Serena blushed bright red and they went to the pokemon centre to heal up.
1 hour later
We are now in the center of the Lumiose City stadium where the current Champion Diantha hands Y/n a trophy but this ceremony is interrupted as wicked looking vines begin to consume Lumiose City.

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