Y/n vs Clemont

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We timely to Y/n's gym battle against Clemont. The same events occur with Ash having Goomy evolve into Goodra and battle Clemont.

Clembot:This will be a three on three battle between the gym leader Clemont and the challenger Y/n. In addition only the challenger may switch pokemon.May both trainers please send out their pokemon.
Clemont:Go bunnelby.
Y/n:Go Excalibur(Excalibur evolved into a Aegislash courtesy of Trevor)
Clembot:Battle begin.
Clemont:Use mud shot.
Bunnelby jumps up while summoning 4 mud balls towards the sword and Sheild mascot.
Y/n:Use King Sheild.
Excalibur turned into its defensive mode and blocked the mud balls.
Clemont:Wild charge Go!
Y/n:Take it and use Swords dance.
The bunny pokemon charged at Excalibur with Surging electricity as the weaponry pokemon took the attack as  2 holographic Swords spun around it as its attack was raised.
Clemont:Use mud shot at close range.
Y/n:Shadow sneak.
Bunnelby once again summons four mud balls but Excalibur falls into the shadows to dodge.
Clemont:I see since bunnelby is a normal type, shadow sneak was used to dodge mud shot.
Y/n:Yep now use iron head.
Clemont:Dodge it!
But he was too late as Excalibur reappeared from the shadows and became pure steel and charged into the muddy rabbit knocking back far.
Y/n:Swords dance and another iron head.
2 more holographic Swords spun around Excalibur and it charged to bunnelby and before Clemont could give a command, the normal type that should be a ground type(it is so stupid it isn't a ground type) was knocked out.
Clembot:Bunnelby is unable to battle. Can the gym leader send out his next pokemon?
Clemont:Yes of course. Go Heliolisk!
He then sent out his yellow reptilian creature as Y/n returned his Pokemon.
Y/n:Go goku!
He then sent out his monferno and the battle continued.
Clemont:Dragon tail go.
Y/n:Use dig.
Heliolisk charged to the best fire monkey with a dragonic tail but the sinnoh starter dug into the battlefield to dodge.
Clemont:Wait for it.
Heliolisk waited as Goku then popped out of the ground and punched Heliolisk.
Clemont:Use thunder wave!
Heliolisk then sent a circle of electrical energy to Goku as he got paralysed.
Y/n:Get out of there!
Clemont:Too late, Use parobolic charge!
Heliolisk the enlarged the section around his head and sent lightning to Goku. He was then able to steal health form Goku. The battle continued with similar results of Goku sending digs and flame wheels while Heliolisk just kept using parobloic charge. That was when Y/n got an idea.
Y/n:Use dig!
Goku went underground despite still being slower.
Clemont:Doesn't he know we can just recover. Wait there.
Y/n:Now use flame wheel from underneath at full power!
Goku was then engulfed in flames as it spun on a circle and began using flame wheel. However it was now significantly stronger as the entire battlefield was filled with fire from underneath and began to redden.

The blaze grew bigger as a figure jumped high into the air glowing blue

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The blaze grew bigger as a figure jumped high into the air glowing blue.

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