Chapter 29

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Ryder POV (YAY!)

Today is the day.
Today is the day she will know how I feel about her. I can't continue going on like this anymore. I love her, but I'm scared this will ruin our friendship.

I just pray it won't.

"Wanna stay one more night?" I ask, stepping out of the bathroom.

"I thought you said two nights." She rolls her eyes.

"Well... I did, but I think we should stay one more day." I plead, quite nervously if I were honest.

"Fine. But this is exactly the reason my suitcase is so heavy. I knew we would stay longer you dimwit."

"I'm not a dimwit." I pucker out my lip to add effect.

"Ry, you are a dimwit."

I smirk mischievously, "Did you just call me "Ry"?"

"Err... Yeah?" Darn, she looks so cute. She shuffles her feet and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I kinda like it. It has a nice ring to it. Bryn and Ry," a flash of realization hits me, "DUDE-"

"I'm not a dude, but continue." She interrupts me all the freaking time. I love it though.

I throw a slightly annoyed look before continuing,"Ry is in Bryn. B-R-Y-N! How cool is that?"

"Like I said, you are a dimwit."

"But you still love me," I grin, maybe she will say yes!

"You wish," She jokes.

"Yeah... Um..." Why am I stuttering? "I have somewhere I want to take you."

"Dear gosh. Do I need to be scared?"

I grin, "No. Not this time."


Last time I said this though, I was taking her to Victoria's grave. Let's not revisit that.

"What should I wear?" She asks.

You could wear a bikini and look fine.

Darn. Don't think that way.

"Um, it doesn't matter,"I sheepishly grin.

"You are no help at all." She shakes her head, "Where are we going?"

"That, love, is a secret."

I love calling her... Love. That's weird I guess, but in a way it feels like I have already said 'I love you' when I call her love.

She groans, running her hand through her caramel colored hair, "What do I wear then?"

"Anything you want."

I love provoking her, mainly because she is so cute when she is irratated, but also becuase it is easy to get her worked up.

"I hate you so much sometimes."

"Oh really?" I ask mischievously.

"Yep." She replies.

And that's how we ended up in a ginormous tickle fight with a cotton-headed-ninimugguins.

Brynlee shrieked of laughter and I chuckled to myself.

I want her to be mine. I want to always be the reason of her happiness. I want her.

I could make her be mine. Legally anyway. I have papers to prove it.

I wouldn't make her though. I love her too much.

"Go get ready, love."

"But I don't know what to wear!" She whines.

"Anything you wear, you will look beautiful in."

She groans, "I'll wear a dress. Is that ok?"

"Like I said, you will look beautiful in anything."

She rolls her eyes and enters the bathroom to change.

I'm going to have to man up and tell her how I feel.


Hey all!

I finally know how I wanted this chapter to be. I'm so sorry it took so long.

Maybe I can update Monday (because it's spring break!!!)

Thank you for being so considerate about the update being so late.


I honestly enjoyed writing this chapter, but it took me a while to get into it. I literally tried to write it a bazillion times.

Amazing graphic by @styledwriter


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