Chapter 8

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After getting back home from shopping, a relaxing day sounded pretty nice. An afternoon of rereading my favorite parts in a book, cuddled up in my bed is the best way to spend any afternoon.

Right as I decide on The Selection, by Keira Cass, the intercom goes off, "Brynlee, come down here please!" My mom's voice echoes through my room.

Ever since Ryder and I went up to his room, Mom has been pampering me... A lot. And I'm actually loving it. I'm not the forgotten middle-child anymore.

I groan, willing my feet to trudge down the stairs, away from my hiding place.

"What do you need?" I ask in an annoyed voice when I enter the kitchen. Yes, I'm loving the pampering, but my bed was super cozy just then.

"Ryder and his family are coming over tonight. You need to plan on doing something fun, just for the two of you."

I groan inwardly, but I show a smile, "That sounds like fun!"

Her face lights up, and I feel a tiny twinge of guilt, but it doesn't really matter. She shouldn't have done this to me anyway. "I'm so glad! He's coming. He seems like a really awesome guy." I lie, feeling sick to my stomach. Ryder is not a bad guy, I just don't want to marry him.


Knock, Knock, Knock.

"Come in!" I yell, fixing my scarf around my neck.

Slowly, the door opens, revealing Ryder,"Your Mom said to tell you that it's time. Whatever that means."

"Okay, Mom said that she wanted me to plan something for us to do."

"That... Makes more since." He laughs, "So! What are we doing?"

"Going four wheeler riding."

"Ok. Sounds fun."

Heading down stairs, I grab a box of Oreos and four cans of Dr.Peppers before hopping onto the four wheeler.

I grab the front, then buckle my helmet. Since both of my hands are taken in this process, I have ZERO balance. Thanks to Ryder literally jumping on the four wheeler, my butt falls off the seat, almost making me fall on the concrete. "What are you trying to do Henderson?!"

"Trying to get on the four wheeler. Duh." He said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Shut up and let's go." I roll my eyes, starting the engine.

The biggest mistake of this trip is... I didn't think about him putting is arms around my waist so he doesn't fall off. It's honestly very distracting... But not in a good way.

I stop the engine. "Ryder. You get in the front."


"I just... Want you to."


We switched places and began again. Over by my house, there is this HUGE mud pit... Needless to say, we got a little bit muddy...

"I'm getting hungryyyy!" Ryder pouted and stopped the four wheeler.

"Well... It's getting sorta dark. I brought Oreos and Dr.Peppers. Wanna eat em?"

"HOLY FUDGE COVERED OREOS! YES!" He hops off the vehicle, holding out his hand to help me down.

"Look at the stars!" I squeal while popping an Oreo in my mouth... A mega-stuff Oreo at that!

"It is beautiful." He arches his back stretching, and lies down on the lush grass.

"If only the clouds weren't so thick, we could see the stars and moon better." As if I jinxed myself, a ginormous basketball of water splattered on my face. Maybe it was just a giant droplet, but it feels huge to my face. "Crap a muffin. It's raining." A shiver runs up my spine, but it is quickly warmed by a cozy jacket.

"Here. That way you don't get cold. Let's head back."

"But then, you will get cold."

"Nah, I'm fine. You need it more than me anyways."

"Thank you. " I smile up to him with a glow in my face. I hate the cold, and I hate being wet... A true gentleman.

After riding 60mph in the rain, we arrived back at my house in less than fifteen minutes.

"MOMMM! We're back!" I yell as I barge in our door. We are sopping wet, frigid to the bone, and worn out.

"Oh my gosh! Ryder, get a pair of Brynlee's basketball shorts that are too big for her and get one of Robbie's tee shirts." My mom hands us towels to begin drying off. "Hurry up and change, Charlene and I have some exciting news to tell you two!"

MWAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!! I'm so evil... I feel so.... Amazing leaving a cliffy. It's just like a super power and I just used it. Maybe? Ok.. I guess not.

Anyway... Cute chapter? Almost forgot they aren't a couple a few times and had to remind myself. Haha!

Question: Who should I choose?! Hudson or Ryder? I had decided one a long time ago, but... I'm in love with both and can't decide. UGHHH

Also... Has anyone read The Selection Trilogy, by Keira Cass? If you haven't you should. I'm not gonna describe it, because it's too amazing to water it down. Just read it. Best decision of your life.

That's all for now!

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