Chapter 21

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(Take a moment to look at those gorgeous muscles... Ok. Read on)

"So, what are you doing the rest of today?" Grayson asks as we walk off the Ferris wheel boarding station.

"I'm just hanging around here until my sister and brother-in-law get finished. what are you doing?"

He shoves his fingers in his pockets, "I'm just hanging out here today. Wanna hang out instead of being a loner?" His brown eyes twinkle with amusement.

"Sure! Where to next?" Might as well hang out with him instead of being the third wheel. I need some new friends anyway.

"The twister!"



After a day full of rides, games, and food, I was utterly exhausted.

"I had so much fun today! Thanks for letting me tag along with you." I smile up at him, his almond eyes gazing down at me.

"Me too! We should hang out again sometime. Give me your phone and I'll put in my contact."
I obediently hand over my phone and told him my passcode, before he returns it back. "Text me later," He says with a wink.

"Alright!" With that, he spun around and began heading towards his car and my phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Bryn where are you? I've called you six times! Are you ok?" Yeah, it's Bri.

"I'm fine. I didn't hear your call. I'm over by the gate where we came in."

I hear her sigh, "Ok. I'll see you in a second. Bye."

I hung up the call and waited for my sister and brother in law. They can strolling hand in hand looking as cute as possible.

"How was today?" Reeves asks pulling Brianna into his side.

"Well, I went in the Ferris wheel first, and the people thought that me and this guy were a couple so we rode the Ferris wheel together. He was alone, and so was I, so we ended up having our the whole day."

Bri's eyes lit up, "Really? What's his name?"

"His name is Grayson Peterlane and he goes to school at Brooke High. Started going there this year."

"Did you get his number?" Seriously, she sounds like a hormonal teenager already coming up with a fricking ship name.

"Yes. I have his number. I don't like him like that though."

"Yeah right, you blushing Bryn!" Reeves laughed.

"Reeves, you stay out of this. I am not blushing!" Though I say I am not blushing, I feel heat in my cheeks. Dang it!

"I just say what I see." Reeves and Bri begin to walk back to the car, but not before throwing a smirk my way.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes trailing behind them.


"Anyone home?" I yell into our house, after searching the kitchen.

"I'm in the living room," Ryder faintly calls.

After strolling through the kitchen, and into the living room, I find a body laying on my seat in the living room! What is he doing laying on my seat? He has his that he lays on and I have mine.

"Why are you laying on my couch?" I cross my arms while raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sick." Ryder pouts.

"You were fine this morning before you went to the doctor. What happened?"

"My phobia of needles happened. I may or may not have had a panic attack and had four nurses plus my mom holding me down."

This is purely comical. I hate needles, but getting sick afterwards? "You are sick because you got a shot?"


"Go and lay on your own fudging couch. You're not sick."

"But I am Bryn. I threw up a minute ago."That's when I couldn't hold it anymore. I am rolling on the floor. Literally. "It's not funny," he groans in 'agony.'

"Yeah, yeah. Get up."

"I hate you." He gives me the evil eye, before slinging his legs on the fur carpet and trudging over a few steps.

"See? Isn't this better? You can't go changing stuff on me Henderson. I don't like change."

"Then maybe we will have to change that you don't like change."

"Whatever. What should we watch, you sick, Needle Child? Divergent has some lovely needles that I'm sure would just make you so happy."

His face pales, "That movie about gave me a heart attack. Those needles," he cringes, "why would anyone want to be in that group if they have to get beat up and have needles stuck in them. I'll go to that no mirror place before I do that."

"They are called factions you dimwit. And the one that has needles are called Dauntless and the 'no mirror place' is called Abnegation. You would die being in Abnegation. Then again, you would die in Dauntless because of needles. You would be Candor or Amity. You would suck being Erudite."

"I have no idea what you just said, but ok..."

"Sorry," I sheepishly smile at my fangirliness... Is that even a word?

"It's fine. We can watch Divergent if you want, and I'll close my eyes in the needles part."

"You would do that for me?" I playfully place my hand on my heart.

"Anything for my favorite fangirl." He winks.

"You're favorite? Who else is there mister?"

"No one, just you."

"Then how am I your favorite?"

"You'll always be my favorite."

I think I just melted into a puddle on the floor; I have the best guy friend in the world.


Hey all!!!

I've missed everyone! (I know it's been a week, but a week is like a long time...)

Since I decided to update in Thursdays and have a possible update on Monday or Tuesdays, it has relieve me of so much more stress. Like you done even understand.

School this semester is harder in some subjects but easier in others, so I'm still trying to get in the groove. I need to be doing school, but I'm updating for you guys!

I literally fall more in love with all of my characters with each update.

What did Yall think of Ryder's literal phobia of needles? My poor baby...

So, funny story. This just happened and I like had a panic attack...

So our house phone rang. (No duh) but the only people that ever call it is
1. My paw paw
2. My poppa
3. Annoying Sales people that call constantly.

So, if it's not my grandfathers, we pick it up and then hang up because we can't stand for it to ring.

The caller ID came up and it said "unknown name unknown number" so I picked it up and said "buddy the elf what's your favorite color?" (I've always wanted to do that so it sounded like a good thing to do.) most of the time they are machines YA know, but this time, it happened to be a live person, who happened to ask for my dad. (Like said "Oh umm I'm sorry. I think I have the wrong number... Is Eric Greene around?"

I sorta freaked out so I hung up... I hope it wasn't someone we knew...

Oh yeah! Check out my new book if you don't mind! It's called "real advise" it's in my profile obviously. I'm waiting to update because I don't really know what people need advise about... I mean, I do, but I want to update from what the comments ask me to give advise about? Make any since?

I'll shut up now because I'm literally just blabbering.


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