Chapter 16

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"Momma Linn! Bryn and I are leaving!" Ryder yells through the house, while throwing his arm around my shoulders

"Kay! Be safe!" She yells back.

Ryder and I are going on a date! Not... Not like a coupley date, but a friend date. Not that we told our parents that, they think we are a happy couple. As if! I could never see Ryder as anyone other than a brother/best friend.

"So... Where to?" He asks once the car is brought to the door.

"A place that has food." I say with all seriousness.

"I don't know of a place that has that..." He grins, opening my car door.

"You don't know of a place that has yummy goodness?"

"Oh that! We may can find a yummy goodness place." After he says that, our facade breaks and we burst into laughter.

We begin driving, screaming Taylor Swift music. He thinks she's hot, and I love her music, so t works pretty good. While we listen to Trouble, every time she sings the "OH! OH!" Part, he bleats like a goat. "Why are you doing that?" I cackle, tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.

"Have you never sent the goat version of Trouble?" He asks with wide eyes.


He pulls into Five Guys; my favorite burger place, and turns on his phone, "Well, you are now." By the time the video was over, I about peed in my pants, "Ready to go in?" He asks, shaking his head with amusement.

"Sure," I say, still smiling.

He opens the door for me, and we head up to the cashier to order, "Welcome to Five Guys, what can I get you today?" The guys asks, his head bent down so I couldn't see his face. But, I know the voice... It's Hudson.

"When did you start working here Hudson?" I ask.

He jerks his head up at the sound of my voice, and grins, "Yesterday," he looks over at Ryder, "What are you two doing? Are you all alone?"

"Yes. We are all alone."

"Like on a... Date?" He audibly gulps when he says the word date.

"Yes. We are on a date." I retort hoping to get him jealous.

His face pales, "Are you two, like together?"

"Yes. We are, do you have a problem with it?"

"I don't believe you Brynlee. I dint think you two are together."

"We are. Aren't we Ryder?" I look at him giving him the 'agree or die' eye.

"Yeah. This is out first official date." He gives a small, forced smile, "Are you going to take our order?"

"Oh. Yeah. What do you want?" He asks in a monotone voice.

It's then, in Five Guys, that I realize how much Hudson cares for me. I always knew he cared about me, but the pain in his eyes when I lied to him, by telling him Ryder and I are together, hurt me-worse than it probably hurt him.

Ummm... Hi?

Let me explain why I didn't update on Thursday. Wednesday, (the day I updated) I thought all day it was Tuesday. (I'm homeschooled and got completely confused. Haha! Then, Friday, it was my BIRTHDAY!!! And... I got and IPad Air! It's so much easier updating on this, instead of my phone. Anyway, Saturday, I slept till like 10:45, and then we had family over. So... Pretty full few days.

1.) how many of you actually ship Brynlee and Hudson? Just out of curiosity.

2.) who ships Brynlee and Ryder???

(Thank you @Stars_Alight for pointing that out to me! I haven't even thought of one!) I will have a vote on the ship names for them... So, give me the ship name ideas, I will post them in. H next update, we can vote, and whoever wins gets a dedication!

Thoughts on the chapter? I honestly felt like it sucked.


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