Chapter 19

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"Find out what?" They are hiding something from me, and I will find out.

Brianna and Reeves both burst hysterically laughing. Ryder and I just look at each other. Ryder raises his eyebrow, questioning their actions, and I stand with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

Ryder calms them down before I completely freak out, "So... Can you please explain what is going on?"

Bri and Reeves calm themselves down and Bri motions for us to her into the living room.

Ryder and I take the couch and my sister and brother-in-law melt into each other on the love seat. In Bri's hands, is a light pink package, "Here Brynlee." She smiles giddily as she hands me in package.

The package shimmers in the warm light of the living room, causing the glittery tule to sparkle. Carefully, I pull off the tulle ribbon, making my way to the wrapping paper. Carefully, I pull the paper back, to reveal a box. "Thanks for the box," I say jokingly. Every time we get a present in a box, we always joke about it. Opening the box, is a small shirt. My breath catches when I hold it up. It's a baby onesie. On the tummy it says "I'm Aunt's Favorite."

"Are you-"

"YES!" Bri jumps up, as do I, and we embrace.

"When did you find out?" I ask. My sister is pregnant!

"Yesterday," She looks over at Reeves who is shaking Ryder's hand. This is so exciting!

"Does Mom and Dad know yet?"

"No. I wanted to tell you first, and Reeves really did want to have Ryder over," She giggles, pushing a stray price of hair behind her ear.

"When are you going to the doctor?"


"I hope that everything will be ok. You remember what happened with Mom."

Her smile drops, and the light in her eyes fades, it is still a touchy topic for us.

"What's wrong, babe?" Reeves asks, snaking a hand around her waist.

"Nothing," she fakes a smile, and I feel filth for brining that up, "You two go on downstairs and play your video games."

Reeves seems reluctant to go, but can sense we need to talk. He motions for Ryder to follow him, and they head downstairs.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up."

"No. It's fine. It's just that... Reeves doesn't know." She sits back on the couch, pain showing on her face

That doesn't surprise me. They tell each other everything, but something as painful as this was, it didn't need to be brought back up. She still needs to tell him though. "Why haven't you told him?"

"It just hurts so much. I'll never forget the day it happened. You were so young, and Bella still doesn't even know." A tear leaks through her eyes.

"Bri, I know it's not the best time to ask, but I was so young. What happened that night?"

"Mom was a few weeks pregnant. Bella was about two and your were six. I was about twelve. You two went to bed, Mom, Dad, and I stayed up to watch a movie. Towards the middle of the movie, Mom started complaining about pain in her stomach. By the end of the movie, she was laying down in the floor, wallowing in pain. Dad and Mom left for the hospital, and I stayed at home with you and Bella all night. I sat by the phone, hoping for a word. They never called. I knew that they had last the baby, but I was scared I lost Mom too. They came home the next morning, Mom was alive, but heartbroken. She could have died that night Bryn. After she lost the baby, she went into serious depression. It lasted for a year Bryn. I'm terrified I will loose my baby too."

"I had no idea it was like that. You won't loose your baby, Bri. I think you should tell Reeves though."

"I'll tell him." She wipes her eyes, removing the tears that leaked out.

"Anyway... What do you want the baby to be?" I brighten up, forcing ourselves out of the depressing conversation.

"I would like to have a girl first, and then a boy. But I've always wanted an older brother, so either will work!"

"I've always wanted an older brother too!" I laugh, "I guess I have an older brother now. Two I guess. Reeves and Ryder."

"Speaking of which," She says in a fangirly voice, making me worry about her next statement. "Do you like Ryder?"

As if! "No. Of course not."

"Are you sure?" She wiggles her eyebrows, "Because there is something I need to tell you," Great. Here comes some more of Brianna wisdom. "Whether you like it or not, if you don't like him now, he does like you."

I laugh until my sides hurt, "What would make you say that?"

"Because, if you are spending that much time with him, telling him about everything, going to him crying, and all of that, love will blossom. Maybe not for you, but it may be for him. Mark my words. It will happen. Someone will fall for one another and the other won't know what hit them. By the way, what the heck happened to your neck?" She asked, referring to my burn.

"Oh, well let me tell you an extending ru story about a girl named Brynlee, who burned her neck with the 450 degree curling iron." I grimaced, telling the story.


I love all of you so much! You have really changed my life and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you.


BRI IS PREGO!!!!! I love her so much! She's just a wisdom spitting machine!

What about the baby that their Mom lost? That was sad for me to write...

Ummm... I don't know what else to say...

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Did you watch the ball drop in New York? Did yall see Taylor Swift's performance? She MESSED up! When she was singing "Welcome to New York," the prerecorded part was loud and she wasn't lip singing, because when she messed up, you could hear her voice and the music blaring. It took her a minute to realize it too. I felt so sorry for her, but I laughed so hard.

My New Years resolution is probably just to have a better year this year... Stupid right? But even though I loved 2014, it's probably the year the most tears were spilled. I dealt with my first heartbreak, which SUCKED. I had to sell my horse (during the same week that the major part of the heartbreak happened.) I've had some hard friend things, and a few of my closest people that mentored me, moved to a different state, and kind of moved out of my life. School has been really difficult for me this year, unlike the other years. I had someone I really looked up to (as a coach, and person) lie to me, and a whole bunch of crap, that led me to having to change barns, they lied too, and then I had to sell my horse.

Though that is the worst of the year, on top of some other stuff I don't want to share, I had a pretty great year. I made some new friends, got some amazing new mentors in my life, and got closer to my family. Most importantly, I came to wattpad in April, which completely changed my life!

I'll stop blabbering now, but I love yall so very much!

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