Chapter 23

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Day 2
"Good morning sleeping beauty." His breath tickles my neck, causing me to shiver. I peek open my eyes and find two things.
1.) Ryder's face is peering only a few inches over mine.
2.) I'm in a different room.

Why the heck am I in an ill-light room with a green duvet? "Where the heck am I and why are you in the bed with me?" I voice startled thoughts.

"Remember, I had a migraine, I came in here to sleep, and you slept in here too. We were both so exhausted that we slept through dinner. It's nine in the morning."

"I'm still sleepy. Leave me alone," I moan rolling on my side.

I feel Ryder's side of the bed move, and then feel his arm curl my waist and his head nestle between my neck. "Mind if I lay here for a bit? You are all snuggable like this."

"You make it sound like we are some couple. Shut up and you can stay here."

"Hey! This is my bed. I can kick you out."

"And I can go move in with Brianna for the next two weeks leaving you to fend for yourself." I retort.

Yeah, that shut him up pretty quick.

"Fine," He mumbles.

I don't think I have ever slept so solidly. Last night was so comforting and peaceful; it makes me want to sleep in there every night if I'll sleep that great. Although I would never admit it to him.

About and hour later of dozing, I decide to get up and try and fix pancakes. They can't be that hard to make. Right? After all, we didn't eat last night so we sorta need to eat.

"Why are you getting up, love?"

"Don't call me love, you weirdo. And we didn't eat last night, so I'm gonna fix some pancakes."

He sits up in the bed with a startled look, "You, fix breakfast? That is something I have to see!"

"Shut up." I roll my eyes throwing my legs off of the plush mattress.

We head down into the kitchen, the hard wood floor is freezing to my touch. "It is freezing in this house! Everything! The floor, countertops, and even just the temperature! I'm gonna freeze to death."

"I'll warm you up," He pulls me into his chest, enveloping me in his arms. I hate to admit that it sorta feels nice.

What am I thinking? No! It doesn't feel good... At all... "Ryder. Stop you idiot!"

He pulls away and pouts, puckering his lower lip.

Eh, he'll get over it.

While Ryder continues to pout like a kicked puppy, I pull out a measuring cup, pancake mix (the kind where you just add milk), and milk. Duh. Its self explanatory. I've got this.

I pour all the ingredients into the bowl and being mixing them together. What can go wrong? It's just pancakes.

After pouring the batter into the skillet, I wait for it to bubble. (The instructions said to do that.) When it begins to bubble, I hurriedly grab the spatula, ready to flip it.

I take it all back! It can go wrong! The pancake doesn't land back on the skillet, but instead, it lands on the stove. "Gosh darn it!"

"Let me help."

"No. I can do it." I reply determinedly. I leave the splattered pancake in its place, and pour another one. When it begins to bubble, Ryder sneaks up behind me and holds my hand assisting me so I can flip it.

"I told you I could do it."

"And if you would have done it, we would have had to clean up another splattered one. I'll make the pancakes and you set the table. Never mind. Do the platters so we can eat in the living room."

"Fine," I grumble, pulling out the milk for me and orange juice for Ryder.

In about ten minutes, we produced pancakes. Well, Ryder cooked them and I have the trays set.

"What do you wanna watch, mate?" Ryder remarks in a fake Australian accent.

"Can we watch Heartland? UPTV totally left us in the middle of season seven and I have to see what happens!"

His eyes shimmer with entertainment, "Sure, but we are watching what I want to next."

"That's fair. As long as it's not too bad or scary. Last time you talked me into watching something, well, I ended up having nightmares for weeks!"

"Awe, Bryn, you should've told me you had nightmares and you could've come and slept with me, " He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"In your dreams weirdo."

"It's in your dreams that I dream of you."

"It's in your dreams that I dream of you dreaming of me, dreaming of you."

"What!?" Ryder rolls in hysteria.

"It sounded better in my head..."

"You never fail to make me laugh, Bryn."

"I'll take that as a compliment?"

"It was meant to be one," He beams allowing the smile to truly meet his eyes.

I may have not ever seen him smile this big before.

Hey everyone!

So, sweet chapter! They act like an old married couple sometimes. They are the cutest best friends. 😍😛

And danggggg Ryder can cook!? Who knew? That dang hot man.

So, the other day, I was really evaluating this book and where I want it to go, and I was talking to my characters. Yeah, I'm weird but that's how I decide things.

I was just a little on the emotional side (darn you, emotions.) and I was questioning Ryder about his backstory, and I cried. I was like "Ryder, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you went though all of this! I love you so much!" My brothers experienced my break down... Lol.

(You'll find out about it in the future. Just wanted to give yall some suspense. 😂😝)


PS... Silent readers, please speak up! It would mean so much to me!

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