Chapter 12

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Since Friday, the day we moved, things have been just a little bit hectic. Today is Monday, and we are starting our first day of homeschooling and I'm sorta surprised we are starting so soon.

But, before we start school, Ryder and I have a few things that needs to be cleared up, "Ryder, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Friday, you acted very... Um... Not nice to Hudson. Why?" I ask in the most sincere way possible.

"I j-just... I don't know? I get nervous around people I know, and I like to show off I guess."

"How would saying that I'm your fiancé be showing off?"

"As a guy, it looks good on you, if you have a steady girlfriend, a gorgeous one nonetheless, so I thought it would look good to say I have a fiancé."

"Did you just call me gorgeous?" I question, a smirk forming on my face.

"And what if I did?" he asks smugly.

"Shut it. We might as well start school. Wanna start with my mom or your mom?"

"Your mom is doing Math, Science, and Logic right?"

"Yeah. Yours is doing Literarure, Latin, and History."

"I hate those. Let's do your mom first, sorta like those."

"Ugh fine."


"Do your Algebra 1 on the computer, and then come back to me if you have any questions." Mom tells Bella, Ryder, and I.

We are doing this Math Curriculum called Teaching Textbooks, it's all on the computer, it teaches in detail the lesson, it grades your work, always gives you a second chance, and gives you little hints when you have trouble. I hate math, but this curriculum makes me hate it less.

After finishing my lesson, I still had a math equation I was having a problem, "MOMMM!" I yell from the school room.

"In the kitchen!"

I hop off from the table, and head to the kitchen... Maybe I will get some Oreos out of this.

"I can't figure out number seventeen."

"Give me one second. I need to finish this email." She says without even looking up from her computer screen, "Can you see if Ryder understood that one? If he did, can you ask him to show you how he got it?"

"Sure, Mom," Heading back to the school room, I sit back down at the table, and get Ryder's attention. "Did you get number seventeen right?"

He looks up from his work, "Number seventeen? Uh... Yeah. I got it. Need help?" He smirks, running his hand through his chocolate hair.

"Yeah. I don't understand it."

He began explaining it, and after about twenty minutes, it was beginning to make since, but the answer makes me mad, "So after all of that, the answer is 21? That can't be right. That's what we started with."

He chuckles to himself, his sapphire eyes dancing with laughter, "That's what I got when I did it, and the answer key said the same thing."

"This... This is why I hate math!" I bang my head frustratingly against the table.

"This is why I love math. The answer always stays the same!"

"That's why I hate it! There is never an exception to the rule. Bunch of hardheaded people came up with math."

"Agree to disagree?" He asks, holding out his hand to make it a deal.

"That would be accepting defeat."

"Whatever. You're hopeless."

"Why, thank you!" I laugh, we stand up from the dreaded school room, deciding it's time for an Oreo break.


Once we finished school, Ryder and I decided we should go see Mockingjay, since it is still in theaters.

"Thanks for bringing me here. I can't wait till I can drive!" I say as we walk to his black mustang.

"No problem. Wanna go to GiGi's Cupcakes?"

"Sounds like a plan!" I buckle up my seatbelt; maybe homeschooling won't be too bad after all.


OMG! 940+ reads?!?! EEKKK!!! You are all the best readers in the world!!!!! I love you all so much!

So, I'm going to do a time jump... Not exactly sure how big of a time jump... But, we will see!

Next time I update, maybe we will be at 1K! How exciting???


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