chapter 35 -Truth?

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I walked into my home, being hit with the smell of someone familiar. Was it it my brother? Yes it was.

Rumaginging through my memory i finally hit a spot,where i notced he was missing.

Tears welling up in my eyes, I pushed them back trying to be strong because ive let out to many tears. If anymore rolled down my cheeks i would find myself with a killer migrane.


My mom let me take a couple days off of school. Hayes came every now and then to give me homework, and to write our paper. But it was never the same as before. He didnt act as if we were togther. I couldnt blame him though.

He did walk in on me and Shawn kissing. As i stare at my white ceiling i feel Hayes lay down next to me, playing with my hair. I turn to him allowing the corners of my mouth to for into a smile.

This is it, i was going to tell him i kissed Shawn back. But before i could breathe out a single word, he placed a peck onto my lips, leaving me in utter shock. i leaned in leaving a soft kiss on his pink plush lips, as his lips attached to mine, and he deepend the kiss, i only saw Shawn.

I pushed Hayes back, blinking uncontrollably and sat straight up, panting and catching breaths. I could feel Hayes' eyes looking at me with confusion.

"Im so sorry" I finally blurtted out breaking the torturing silence. He scooted closer to me planting a soft kiss upon my forehead, leaving a soft tingle as he removed his lips.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, leaving me to tear up and feel a small salted tear roll down my cheek.

"No boy is worth crying over." He said giving me and hug around my waist. I brushed the tear off my cheek and layed my head on his shoulder.

"There something you need to know." i mumbled into his shoulder. Regretting the moment i said it.

"Let me guess... You pulled away because you felt guilty for kissing Shawn?" I jolted up from his shoulder in utter shock.

"H-How?" was the only word able to escape my lips at that moment in time.

"You know im not stupid." He chuckled with a cute smirk on his face. "When a boy kisses a girl, usually they kiss back." He looks at me with his eyes bright and happy.But why?

"You look a little too happy at the moment." I remarked feeling my cheeks turn red and hot.

"Its because, i know you didnt feel anything. Right?" His eyes still hopefull, but his small smiled faded into a frown. What felt likes years go by, but were only mere seconds before i replied with a short and simple answer.

"Right." It was obvisualy a lie, and a big one in the matter.

I let out a smile smile, and went to plant a kiss on Hayes' cheek. But before i could, his head turned to me and his lips molded together with mine. I felt my eyes shut without any concent and i felt his hand wrap around my waist.

My hands then proceeded to wrap around his neck and play with his hair. Damn this boy isa good kisser. i felt his tounge asking for premission to enter.

I opened my mouth allowing our tounges to touch. Heat ran up my body as he placed me to sit on his lap as my legs wrapped around his waist.

Keeping connection, i felt his tounge exit my mouth. So i retreated aswell. I left one last passionte kiss on his lips, and let go for a breath.

He looked shocked, as if he wasnt expecting something.

"What?" i asked in between breaths with my hands still around his neck.

"For me being your first kiss, you kiss ecpessially well." Did he just really say that. I shut my eyes shook my head, and opened one eye trying to see if that actually happened. He let out a small chuckle at my weirdness.

"Sorry just making sure, i didnt imagine my boyfriend complimenting me in a very weird way."

"Shut up." He said, as i leaned closer only being inches from his lips. I sighed out,

"Make me." with that note his hand cupped my cheek, and kissed me in the most passinote way since.

"Good choice." I mumbled between kisses, feeling a grin apear on his face.


The next couple days consisted of boring, after boring after boring.

I went to school, came home, did homework, talked to Hayes and some friends and went to sleep.
Same pattern for the whole week, mom DIDNT want me to do anything dangerous, even though I insisted I was completely fine.
As for my brother, nothing. No one can seem to pin point where he is.

I have a feeling his not far, I feel as if he's going to text me, or leave me a voicemail at 3 am.

but so far nothing.
Life just has to be like this? Yeah that's just the truth.
Next week Hayes,Nash, Christina, and I leave for MAGCON. I should be exited right? WRONG. why you may ask?


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