chapter 24

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after about another half an hour, I left Hayes's house.

Nash drove me home, because it was TOOO dark to walk.

I couldn't spend the night cause my mom said no, and my brothers home.

so that was good.

When I finally got home after a very quiet car ride, I was tackled by my sister Christina who was already asking me questions about magcon.

She was exited to go cause she thinks Jack G is really hot.

like really reeeaaaallllyyy hot.

She doesn't obsess she just likes.

typical 15 year old girl.

Christina has the same color hair as me, but her eyes are hazel, better then poop brown.

I ran up stairs to see if my brother was gonna come down to watch a movie with us cause it's a tradition.

but he wasn't there.

"Mom he's not in his room!" I yelled so she would hear me.

"WELL HE ISNT DOWN HERE" she yelled back.

I was nervous, Jack doesn't usually do this.

"CHECK THE BASEMENT" I yelled down.

I heard the house alarm go off, leaving a ringing in my ears.

I hate it.

"NOT HERE" she was yelling but it only sounded like a whisper from down there.

My heart started beating faster. I want Jack to pop up from his bed and scare us all.

But that didn't happen.

I ran down to the kitchen, where me, my mom, and Christina were standing.

Our hearts beating at the same speed, and that was really fast.

none of us saying a word.

"Is his car in the drive way?" Christina broke the silence.

"no..." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'm calling him right now." my mom already angry, yet she was scared.

the fear in her eyes slowly turned to tears.

They streamed down her face as the phone went straight to voice mail.

"Jack, please come home, we- we are worried." her voice cracking as she speaks make my noise tingle and my throat dry.

Tonight was supposed to be fun, and all it is, is one big missing persons report.

and this isn't just one you see on the Tv and don't care about, it's worse when it's someone you know, and love dearly.

"I'm calling the cops." My mom finally let out.

"Mom, he's 19. I think he'll be fine." Christinas palm was on my moms shoulder.

"HIS PHONE IS DEAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD." it came out louder then I wanted it to.

"I don't care I'm calling them."

I felt the tears build up in my eyes, I tried to fight them back,

The next thing I knew was there were 2 cop cars in front of my house.

These officers were asking us questions about Jack.

"How tall is he?" 5'11

"Age?" 19

"weight" about 155

and many more that just brought me to tears.

They told us they will do the best they can to find him.

I already called most of Jacks friends that lived in town.

one named Sarah said she saw him only an hour ago at a bar.

Jack doesn't drink. Did he start?

I don't want my role model like this.

The guy that I trust the most, my bestfriend missing.

this was the worst feeling ever.

I got a text from Hayes.

as my hands shook I managed to open it.

Hayes💛: Nash saw Jack.

my heart hardly was beating at this point. Skipping too many beats.


Hayes💛: when he was driving you home he said he saw a guy barley able to walk, on the corner near your house.

Me: was he alone?

Hayes💛; Nash says he was. I'm really sorry for what you've been going through.

I couldn't bring myself to answer Hayes.

I ran down stairs and showed my mom, she dialed 911 right away and those same cops were asking us even more questions.

Nash was asked to come over and answer some.

My mom told me and Christina to spend the night at a friends house if it was okay with their parents.

Of course Nash, being the person he is, said we could spend the night at his house.

His mom was not home but Will was, and my mom knew he was a legal adult so she let.

Me: Hayes. guess what?

Hayes💛: WHATT?

Me: I have a surprise for you.

Hayes💛: what is it ?

Me: if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?

Hayes💛: c'mon tell me

tell me

tell me

tell me

by the time Hayes's spam was over I was packed and ready to head to the griers.

I think Nash likes Christina.

sorry if this chapter doesn't have a lot about Hayes but it's gonna be important to the story.


Locker Buddies (Hayes Grier Fan Fiction) editingWhere stories live. Discover now