Chapter 3

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< Translate >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 3——————————————————————————

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• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 3

"No! No! This is my brother" I quickly responded

I kneeled down to Ha-ru "Play with your toys okay?" He nodded and I set him up in the corner "If you need me, I'm right here. Okay?"

"Play with me!" He asked

"For a little" I sat down with him and we played with his toys.

Suddenly the boys entered being loud as they always were. Everyone quickly stood up and bowed. I was unable to stand causing the staff to look at me weird which drew BTS attention towards me.

"And who is this?" Taehyung said as he slowly walked towards me and my brother.

"I'm ha-ru" my brother spoke. I smiled at his cuteness.

Taehyung let out a giggle "Wanna play with me?" He asked Taehyung.

Taehyung laughed "When I'm done working. I'm all yours"


"She has a kid bro?" Namjoon said to me

"I have no idea. She said she wasn't married" I replied

Jungkook leaned in "She could have got knocked up accidentally"

I laughed "I don't know, I like him. The kids cute." I paused with my eyes glued to her "Imagine what she did to have a kid" I smirked.

"When we said something like that, we were called perverts" Jimin said

I rolled my eyes "because she's going to be mine. You won't be able to please her when I'm done with her."

"Wanna bet?" Jungkook and Jimin replied.

"Let's bet." I accepted the challenge.


After a few hours the boys finished and it was time for me to clock out.

"Ha-ru. Let's go home" I started packing up his toys

Suddenly someone kneeled beside me "I have a date with him" Taehyung smiled.

"Sissy!! Please!!! Can we stay longer!!" My brother begged.

I looked at Taehyung and smiled "Sure bubba. Only for a little. Sissy's tired"


I ended having to work over time so my mom came to pick Ha-ru up.

"Thank you for this." My mother said as I loaded him into his seat

"ask me next time. I work too mom"

She nodded and drove away. I went back inside. They decided to have me translate the new Run episode. I went into the office, alone. Being fluent in English is kicking me in the ass right now.

"Hey" I heard from the door entree. I look and see Taehyung standing there with a coffee in his hand. I quickly stand up and bow as he handed me the coffee

"Thanks" I respond

"They have you doing everything" he said. I laughed, looking down on at the screen

"Yeah. You guys are actually really funny" I said as I put my finger on the press play button on the video.

Taehyung paused it again "Why don't you take a break?" He said.

I felt his body press on my back, his hands holding my waist still. His face being right next to my shoulder.

"W-What are you doing?" I said in a nervous tone

"You seem tense" he said in a seductive voice. His hand moved my hair out of his way. He laid tiny kisses on my neck.

"We-" I tried to say something but he caught me by surprise. Taehyung grabbed my waist and turned me to face him. I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

"Tae-" I tried to speak again. He grabbed me, lifting me on to the desk

I leaned in... and we kissed. It started off slow but as we got more turned on the more intense the kiss became. He yanked my head back, kissing my neck slightly moving my shirt down as he went farther down

I tugged at the bottom of his shirt signaling for him to take it off but he just moved my hands to the side. His hand went farther up my skirt, pushing it fully up.

"Taehyung- We can't" I said, pushed him away

"But we can" he came back towards me, taking my underwear off. "No one needs to know." My body shivers as he spreads my legs farther apart.

"Stay still and stay quiet" he demanded.

I nodded. He got on his knees and kissed on my thigh. My head slight went back at the feeling of his touch.

I told myself I wasn't going to do anything with an idol but after whatever we do here. I'm done. Nothing else will happen.

That's when I felt it. One finger sliding in... another following after. I clench onto his hair. My head swung back. "oh god" I moaned out

I quickly covered my mouth. I can't make noise. If I do then people will know that someone is in here doing something and it won't be hard to find out it's Kim Taehyung fucking a staff member.

I'm not gonna survive this. He only is fingering me, I know it's not going to be just fingering. He licks in between my flaps doing wild things to my clit.

I couldn't even make out a moan. My mouth was wide open but nothing came out. My body was on fire. His touch was something spectacular. The moment you felt it your body tensed up.

"Fuck fuck Taehyung" I tried to push his head away but he didn't even budge.

He grabs me, pulling me closer to him as if I wasn't close enough for him. "I feel it" I moaned quietly.

Suddenly he stops everything and levels his face up to mine. My breathing was heavy. I went to close my legs but he made sure they stayed open.

He inserts three fingers in, picking up the pace from last time. Pushing them deep and deeper, slamming against my vagina making a smacking noise.

I clench onto his shoulders gasping at the sight. "Please, Please-"

He smirks and kissed my neck "Please what?" He asked like he already knew my answer.

My back arched as a gasped escaped my mouth. I came all over his fingers.

"You don't listen, I told you to stay silent" he said in a deep voice.

He kissed me on the lips and handed me my underwear. He smirked at me and left the door. I sat on the desk looking at myself. The state I was in... what the actual fuck just happened??

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