Chapter 26

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"God Y/n you're so stupid. How could you just let him in again?" I whispered to myself.

My phone started to vibrate, I went to hang up when I saw it was Hyun Soo not Taehyung.

"Hello?" I tried to make it sound like I wasn't crying.

"Y/n! I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your grandma funeral, I had something to handle"

I wiped away my tears and arrived at my front gate "It's okay, you didn't have to show up."

"Another round?" I heard a female voice say in the background.

I heard Hyun Soo shush her "I have to go, I'll see you at work"

He hung up. Hyun- Soo was even cheating on me. We weren't technically together but as the same time we were.

I'm so done with life. First my grandma leaves, Taehyung fucks up again and Hyun- Soo is sleeping with another girl.


I went into work wearing sweats and just a plain shirt.

"Y/n!!" Hyun Soo shouted as I entered Hybe. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

He put his arm around me with a big smile "Shall we?"

I removed his arm "No we shall not. Go fuck with the girl you were last night."

"What?" I smirked and just walked away.

I went to the elevator to the CEO office. I knocked before entering

"Miss Y/n, What can I do for you?" He asked. I bowed and set a letter down on his desk.

He looked at it then back at me "What's this?"

"I'm sorry sir but I don't think this job is a fit for me anymore."

"But, why?" He asked. "It's just, not for me." I bowed my head once more "I'll get going now."

I went into the staffs room and grabbed my things from my locker.

"You're leaving?" An older staff asked. "Yeah, do you know where Young-Min is? I wanna say bye before I leave."

He nodded and told me the set room. I set my things down on the table and went to the room.

"You're on this set?" She asked as I walked up to her.

I stayed silent and just hugged her "Thank you"

She hugged back "for what?" She laughed

"For making working here not bad.".... "You're leaving?"

I nodded "But why?" She asked "It's not the right fit for me anymore"

"Is it because of Taehyung?" She asked. I stayed silent.

"Keep in contact atleast. Please" I nodded and went to leave when someone grabbed me.

Taehyung dragged me into his studio and blocked the door. "Don't leave. Don't quit. Please."

I rolled my eyes "Leave me alone Taehyung." I went to the door but he grabbed my arms, pinning me against the wall.

"Get off." I tried to break from him but he just tightened his grip.

"LOOK AT ME AT LEAST!" He shouted. I stopped moving and just looked at him.

His eyes, his lips, his nose, every little freckle he has. Every mark on his face, I saw.

His eyes went bright red, as tears slowly fell "Let me explain without you running away."

He let go of me and backed away, sitting on the couch "I'm sorry Y/n. I'm not use to being tied down to one girl and one girl only."

I just rolled my eyes "This is what you wanted to explain? Why you keep sleeping around? Pathetic."

"No it's not. You make me want to be tied down. I was going to meet with her last night to tell her we were done. That I had, I had a girlfriend."

My eyes widened at the word, Girlfriend.

"Then why was Yoongi going to lie? Why were you going to leave without telling me?"

He stayed silent looking at the ground "He's use to covering for me. He thought I was going there to have sex when I wasn't. I wasn't going to leave without telling you, I was just telling Yoongi first."

I leaned against the wall in disbelief. "Why didn't you just tell me this last night?"

"You wouldn't let me. You kept throwing things." I let out a laugh "It wasn't hard stuff." I said.

He looked up at me "You threw a vase. That was HARD. And you have good aim."

"I grabbed what was in my eye sight. That wasn't on me." We both laughed.

So I was in the wrong, but not fully. Now I know the story what do I do? Am I supposed to do something

"Oh my" my hands went on my mouth "I quit my job!"

He laughed "I know, why do you think I had to tell you so fast? I forced you in here."

"Okay you've done that plenty of times. Not like this was the first" I smiled.

We stared at each other both not knowing what to do next.

"So... do we just make out?" He smirked "No. a relationship isn't just based on sex."

"That's the best part." He faked a frown. I sat beside him and put my hand on his hair "I'll come to your house tonight."

He nodded and put his head up "Now go to work."

We both left the room, him going back into the set while I go home and shower.

I feel like a little girl who's meeting with her crush for the first time. My music on, getting ready, having trouble figuring out what to wear like he hasn't seen me naked already.

Pacing around my house not being able to stay still from being so nervous. What have I become? I was just throwing stuff at him yesterday and now I'm getting all dolled up to see him.

I'm home, so hurry here:)

A smile appeared on my face as I opened his message.

Already on my way:)

I quickly grabbed my things and got in my car.

Why am I so nervous? My hearts beating extra fast and I don't know what to do!

Do I ask him out? Yes. I should. I should be the bigger person and just ask him out.

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