Chapter 22

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We all sat outside at the long table. They ordered meat and more alcohol

"Haha drink again Y/n" Jungkook laughed.

I rolled my eyes and took another shot of Soju. I hate playing drinking games, I always loose.

"Okay, this time the loser spills their darkest secret." Jimin said.

Everyone agreed and the game started again. I was doing better this round until the boys tricked me

"HEY! That's not fair, you guys have some secret kind of language or whatever."

The boys just laughed and handed me another shot glass "Now fess up, Deepest secret."

I took the shot and stayed silent "I really don't know, ask me something you wanna know" I replied

"Ooo... Body count?" Hobi asked.

I stayed silent thinking again. "4... yeah 4" I said with a proud smile.

Taehyung spit out his drink and looked at me "That include us 3?" He said pointing to Jimin and Jk.

I nodded "You only slept with one other person? How-"

"Nope, I gotta lose again for a question."

We played another round and I lost. "Okay, fine. Ask."

"How did you get so good at sex?" He asked without hesitation.

I rolled my eyed and took 2 shots. "How else?"

"You fucked the same person alot of times." Yoongi replied.

"Wrong, I actually didn't do anything, I'm just naturally good." I smirked at the boys.

"Good? More like amazing." Jimin said while taking another shot.

By the end of the time me and Jimin were the most drunk. Me and him kept taking shot after shot.

The others were drunk but me and Jimin were in another world drunk.

"Ooo... let's go swimming" I said to Jimin. "Let's go!" He replied in English.

We both took off our clothes leaving us in only our underwear and got in the pool.


"Should we go to bed?" Jimin asked "I guess, I mean everyone else did."

"Where's Taehyung? I'm horny." I said stumbling out the pool.

I grabbed my clothes and a towel and went into the house to find Taehyung.

"TAEHYUNG?" I shouted. No response. "Taehyung?" I shouted again as I entered his room.

I walked in to find him on the bed, naked, half asleep.

"You Can't do that to me." I whispered.

I dropped my clothes and took off my wet clothes and climbed into bed.

Taehyungs eyes opened and stared at me. He looked down to see me naked "Why are you-"

"Me and Jimin went swimming. My clothes got wet."

He nodded and closed his eyes again. "Tae?"

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