Chapter 5

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< Dressing Room >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 5——————————————————————————

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< Dressing Room >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 5

"Ready?" I asked Ha-ru. He smiled and nodded yes. We got into the car "so what do you want to do?" I asked

"Your work!!" He said excitedly.

"I'm off today. We can't go to my work"Just at that moment I got a call

"Ms, Y/n? We have an emergency at one of the sets. The boss requested we call you."

"I can't come in, I have my brother-"

"That's fine." The women cut me off

She hung up and sent me the address to the set "Looks like you just got lucky" I said to Ha-ru.

I quickly drove to the shoot and got out of my car. I grabbed Ha-ru and all of his stuff. I ran into the set to see that everything was going smoothly

"What am I here for?" I asked the set manager

"Oh, Make up. We won't need you until next break" I rolled my eyes and went to my seat with Ha-ru. He tugged on my jacket making me turn to him.

"I'm hungry" he spoke

I smiled and pet his head "Come on, We can get you some snacks" I picked him up and carried him to the food area. His eyes widened at the candy. He instantly clapped his hands and jumped in joy

"Here" I grabbed some things and went back to my spot and waited for the boys to finish.


Once the boys finished Taehyung instantly came to sit in my chair

"Ha-ru, Sit here and-" I went to move my brother from the seat when suddenly Taehyung interrupted me

"Let him stay" I looked at him confused. "I like kids." He placed Ha-ru on his lap and allowed him to play with his toys.


"Y/n, you have a vistor" the manager said

"Oh, okay. Can you stay with him for a minute?" I asked Taehyung. He nodded yes

I smiled and went outside to see my mother standing in the main area of the building.

"Sorry to drop in, I'm here to get Ha-ru. Your grandma wants to see him"

"I'll go get him" I went back inside to Ha-ru and Taehyung

"He leaving?" Taehyung asked. I nodded

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