Chapter 4

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< Temptation >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 4——————————————————————————

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< Temptation >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 4

I barely got any sleep last night. The whole time I was twisting and turning thinking about Taehyung.

The moment I got home last night I took a cold shower to calm myself down but it did nothing. I was still turned on. I wanted more. But I knew there was no way I was going to get more from him. Even if I could, I don't want to.

"Why can't today be my day off?" I groaned to myself before getting out of bed.

I got dressed (Outfit above... honestly I don't know how to explain it<3) I did my hair and make up. I did my hair in little waves with it tucked behind my ear

"I'm off to work" I shouted through the house. I quickly put on my shoes and went to work.

Please say I'm not on Bts staff today. I want to avoid seeing Taehyung as much as possible, at least for the rest of the week.


"Why did you come home so late?" Jimin asked me when I entered our dorm

I smirked "Because of Miss Y/n"

His eyes widened "You slept with her?"

"Well, no. I just gave her a little taste so she can't forget about me. She'll be begging me to fuck the shit out of her in no time"

Jimin just laughed "Sure."

"She will!! You wouldn't know" I said rolling my eyes "you've never slept with me. You don't know if I pleased her or not"


I clocked in and did my normal routine. Thankfully I wasn't able to finish translation so that was the first half of my day. By the time it was 1-2pm I was done translating.

"Why do they speak so much" I complained to myself. I get they are idols but gosh, they all speak at the same time in the same loud tone.


Once I was finished I went into the staff room and made me a cup of coffee

"Y/n!" I jumped up from my seat to see Young-Min standing there.

"God you scared me" I said.

"Why are you in here? Bts is about to start their shoot" I rolled my eyes and just put my head down "What's the matter?" She asked

"Nothing, Let's go" I replied

We entered the shoot area where Bts was. Thankfully I entered without being noticed

"Here" a staff member handed me a black mask

"What's this for?" I asked

"You're read them off the questions and in order to hide your identity you need a mask"

"Won't you just blur my face? I mean this will ruin my outfit" They probably thought I was joking but I wasn't. A girls appearance is the most important thing

"Yes, but for extra protection, wear the mask" he placed it in my hand. I quickly put the mask on and sat down in the chair.

They handed me the questions. I looked at the cards just preparing myself when someone placed a jacket over my lap.

I quickly look up and there he is. Kim Taehyung."Oh... thank you" I bowed my head

He smirked and leaned down to my ear "Just because I've seen it doesn't mean everyone can" My eyes widened. My hand slammed over my mouth in shock.

He just laughed and walked away. My hand went over my chest trying to slow down my heart.

"Fuck me" I whispered to myself.

I stomped my feet while rubbing my hair with my hands. I placed my head in my lap, hiding my face

"Y/n... everything okay?" A camera man shouted.

I did the okay sign with my fingers and stayed in that position until we had to start.


After the video I ran back to the staff room and just put my head down on one of the circular tables.

"Fuck fuck fuck!!" I said stomping my feet.

Why is he still on my mind? It's not like he took my virginity. So why am I stuck on him? I promised myself, no idols. No scandals. Now I'm trapped!! All I can think about is his lips, his touch, him fingering me, just him in general.

"You seem tense" I heard from behind me.

I instantly jump up. To my surprise it was Kim Taehyung standing behind me, repeating the same words that made me feel like this in the first place.

"Why so scared?" He asked. I nervously laughed trying to not seem nervous but I'm sure it made it obvious.

"Oh- look at the time... I should be heading home" I quickly ran out of the room and went straight to my car. I threw all my things in the back of my car and went home.


"How has work been?" My mother asked me. I choked on my food "Slow down" she said with wide eyes

"Sorry, can we not talk about work? It's just I would rather talk about the weather or something"

"Okay.... Isn't tomorrow your day off?" She asked "What do you have planned?"

"Yeah. I plan on spending it with Ha-ru"

After we finished dinner I went back in my room and just scrolled through my phone.

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