Chapter 15

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< Pool Day >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 15——————————————————————————

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< Pool Day >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 15

Once we got everything into the house I just sat on the bed in the room staring at the ceiling

"Why did I agree to this?" I quietly cried out to myself.

Technically I didn't agree to this but technically I did agree to this, I didn't stop him.

"Y/n?" Taehyung said knocking on the door.

I sat up, looking at him "Yeah?" I responded

"Come on, we're going to hang at the BTS house" he said.

Why do I have to go? I'm not that close with BTS "Don't try and not come, they all are expecting you"

I rolled my eyes and got on my shoes. Once we arrived at the house we walked in to find BTS outside in the pool swimming.

"Y/n you actually came" Jimin smiled as he got out the pool

I laughed "Tae kinda forced me"

"Come on, let's get in" Taehyung said grabbing my wrist

"I don't have a swim suit here" I told him

He smiled and continued to drag me. We arrived in his room "Here" he said handing me a bikini

"I'm not putting this on, how do I not know this didn't belong to another one of your whores?" I said raising an eyebrow and handing it back

He handed it back to me "It's Hobi sisters. Last I checked she was married. It might be a little big but I'm sure you can adjust it"

I grabbed it and went into the bathroom to change. It was a little big, you can tell shes move curved than I am. I was able to adjust the straps so it worked.

I walked out to see Taehyung naked putting on his shorts

"Nice ass" I said, plopping down onto the bed.

He laughed and pulled up his trunks. We left the room and went outside. I laid out for a little bit while Taehyung went in the pool with the rest of the boys


"Should we push her in?" Jungkook whispered to me and Jimin. We both nodded and slowly walked behind her.

Jimin and Jungkook grabbed her legs while I grabbed her arms

"GUYS I-" we throw her in before she could finish her sentence

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