Chapter 7

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< Golden Maknae >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 7——————————————————————————

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< Golden Maknae >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 7

It's been hours and Taehyung never showed. Is this gods way of telling me I shouldn't sleep with him? If so, I got the message.


I kept staring at the paper Y/n gave me. Something was telling me not to go, to ignore the paper no matter how hard I wanted to.

"What's this?" Jungkook said, snatching the paper out of my hands

"Jungkook-" I tried to stop him but it was to late.

"Who's address is this?" He asked as he fully unfolded the piece of ripped paper

I rolled my eyes and snatched the paper back "It's Y/n"

His eyes went big "Okay.. why are you sitting here when she's probably waiting for you to fuck her."

"Just" I started to speak but stopped myself "The boys are waiting" I left the room and went into the living room with the rest of the guys.


I ended up falling asleep on my couch waiting for Taehyung. He didn't even show. It didn't hurt but the fact that he's been coming onto me this entire time and the one I time I want him he doesn't show?


I arrived at work and checked the schedule to see who I was working with today. I was finally put back on Seventeen staff since the boys have today off. Thank the lord.

God Y/n, why are you so naive? He's an idol. You're nothing but the staff. You're stupid for even inviting him.

"Y/n" I heard. I turn around and see Mr Park walking towards me.

I quickly bow "Yes sir?"

"There's a problem at the boys house. I need you to ride over with the tech people to assure me that everything goes smoothly. I would go but there to much going on here"

My face went straight. The boys house? I'm going to be at the place they sleep at, where they call home?

"You can take the day off after. I know we've been working you like crazy" I simply nodded and went to the car with the tech people.

Oh no. I wish I could have had enough balls to tell him no and send someone else. Why is it always me that is working with these boys!

We arrived at the boys home. I followed the tech people into the living room.

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