Chapter 17

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< JeJu >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 17

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< JeJu >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 17


My alarm clock was blaring right into my ear at 5am. I got up and took a cold shower to wake myself up.

I curled my hair a little and put on my outfit with a black little hand bag.

"It's to early for this" I sat on the couch petting Yeontan and waited for all the other guys to wake up.

I let Yeontan out and fed him while I made myself coffee and watched my drama.

It was currently 6am when the boys started to wake up. They each came out one by one.

Jin, NamJoon, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, Hobi then Yoongi

"Gosh Y/n, why are you up so early?" Jungkook asked as he wiped his eyes

I laughed "It's 6? How is that early?"

The boys looked at me with wide eyes "Since when did you become a morning person? You always sleep until the afternoon" Taehyung asked

"That's because we have sex." I said straight forward

"I always sleep a lot after sex, it's a bad habit but on normal nights I wake up at 5"

The boys just stared at me. I heard Yeontan barking so I quickly let him in.


Once it got 8 the boys were finally awake and ready to leave. We got into the car, our bags in another car.

"Won't there be like fans at the airport? Won't they see me?" I asked

Taehyung smiled and looked at me "Stop being nervous, we already have this figured out"

He handed me a mask and hat like he always does. "today You're our manager. So make sure to act like it."

I nodded. We arrived at the airport and like I said there are reporters and fans screaming for them.

The staff grab the bags and hand the boys their bag one by one. They handed Taehyung mine so it wouldn't be suspicious

I put on my mask and hat and get out. I walked with the rest of the staff, obviously standing out because of my outfit.

We finally got on the plane. Yeontan laid in my lap as I buckled myself in, taking a deep breath

"Fear of flying?" Yoongi asked as he sat beside me. I nodded yes "Just fall asleep, it makes the time go by way faster"

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