Chapter 11

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< Round 2 >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 11——————————————————————————

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< Round 2 >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 11


I went to pick up Ha-ru to find him still sleeping in his room. Y/n was no where to be seen so I went into her room to check in her.

I opened the door to find her bed empty. I look around and see her with some guy cuddles up, naked on the couch.

I gasp and cover my eyes. "I should just write a note"


I woke up and Taehyung still wasn't in his room. I searched every room and he had yet to be found

"Jungkook, have you seen Taehyung?" He nodded no.

I asked all the other members and they all said no. We all start blowing up his phone but he doesn't answer.

"At least it rang, that's a good sign" Namjoon said.

I rolled my eyes "Okay, we all seen him at the shoot before leaving"

"He left with Y/n and Ha-ru, maybe he-"

"Maybe he slept with her and fell asleep" Jungkook shouted

"Or maybe, he didn't sleep with her and just feel asleep" I said.

"My versions more fun" Jungkook pouted.


When I woke up Y/n was still passed out sleeping. My hands holding her breast as she buried her her into my arm. Her ass pressing against my dick.

This only made me want to wake her up just so we can fuck again.

My phone started to ring. Jimin! Fuck! The boys!

"Hello?" I said answering the phone

"Taehyung! Where are you!" Jimin shouted.

"I left early to get coffee, My bad."

"Taehyung?" Y/n said as she woke up.

"Be there in a minute" I said instantly hanging up the phone.

Y/n sat up, me sitting up next to her. She rubbed her eyes and grabbed her phone to check the time "It's 12!! Ha-ru!"

She jumped up grabbing my shirt to cover her naked body. She quickly put it on as she ran out the room. I quickly put on my boxers and pants following after her.

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